Monday 3 November 2014

Astrology Weekend November 3 2014

Astrology Weekend November 3 2014

So still in Scorpio things are still deep but i feel something came to the surface at the weekend… It did for me although it wasn’t a surprise haha… We still have the sun and Venus Conjuncting meaning their energies are meshing together highlighting relationships.

Now remember i keep telling you this energy is WEIRD - well Saturn is in Scorpio and has not been here since before i was born - just - in 1985 as it is one of the slowest moving planets and spends 2.5 years in each sign… Saturn brings about restrictions, lessons, tends to slow things down, and we will be looking even deeper as Saturn wants the truth. You see i told everyone it’s time to get honest just as we entered Libra and if you haven’t been - buckle your seat belts because Saturn gets what he came to do - always…

Now we have moon in Aries which is all about the surface - image - the face we wear and it wants to push forward where there is all this intense energy pulling us within our self to go deeper.

To top it off we have the Moon square Mars in Capricorn meaning we have all this energy wanting us to better understand and look deeper at situations regarding relationships yet there is the Mars and moon wanting us to push forward and continue climbing and planning how to get to where we want to get too - Emotionally we may not be able to connect.

Sun is Sextiling Pluto Capricorn meaning it will bring opportunity the energy of this is almost like saying ‘’what they don’t know can’t hurt them’’ - in actual fact looking at the energy they already know and it does hurt them because things are surfacing and they are getting the confirmation else where - be honest Saturn wants you to be - or you could end up with a little more chaos later down the line.

Saying this with what is surfacing and that understanding i feel it’s as though we can finally start to heal and they will bring forth more positive relationships to us. The universe is pulling us towards something and know what what ever has happened is supposed to of happened - because it’s leading you to something far greater - yes this is highlighting relationships - no matter how hard things are we understand now and not trapped in misleading lies things are moving a head now we can see clearer and more will surface as we heal and more will be brought to us to replace what was once there and vice versa - a time of truth and letting go… I feel it will be a journey as there is a lot to kind of come to terms with but you know what it’s okay… You're going right where you need to be going and to find something far greater than even you imagine - the best is yet to come <3

I’m loving the energy of today so i hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3