Wednesday 29 April 2015


Wednesday 29th Horoscope April - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 29 April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon will be finishing up in Virgo so much of what i said from yesterday still stands… Now the reason in this horoscope being late is for the fact that i’m sure you will agree with… The energy today just makes us so damn lazy, we don’t want to do the routine, we find it hard to get the work done and thats because today there is a quite some tension.

The idea of today is to not get lost, we still have Venus in Gemini wanting to explore, sample and go with it today and the Moon aka our emotional state of being is wanting to look deeper and tear it apart to make sure we are looking at all the details. Then on top of all this there are hard aspects to Saturn which is already in a reflective state… Today we want nothing more that to zone out and leave work for another day

Saying that we can’t just do this we have responsibilities that need to be adhered to and so we shall do it. But boy oh boy i know how your all feeling i literally have zero energy today

Perhaps today is a good day to heal an old emotional wound.

If you have the luxury of checking out today make sure you make a pact with yourself to get back on track tomorrow…

There is still that final lesson to be learnt today and a decision that needs finalising but make sure your making the right choice. Looking again at the past because Saturn is still retrograding meaning looking back and needing to reach out and talk and clear the air and something is not sitting right its time to see that and look at your current situation and see what is reoccuring.

Things are happening so we can heal the past. A day with lots of processing and unexpected things in love I do think that externally today can be a really opposing day but internally there could be a lot going on. =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks