Thursday 26 March 2015

Thursday's HOROSCOPE MARCH 26 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 26 March 2015 * * * *

Moon Finishing in Gemini (gemini ruled by Mercury) and Squaring Mercury which in turn adds to the confusion or tension you might be feeling today. We also have a affirming aspect with Sun & Jupiter also.

So this to me means you maybe are suppressing a thought or feeling that keeps coming to mind. When Moon Moves into Cancer around 8pm UK time there will be a want to just go retreat and the emotions will make themselves known. There is a confusion in the sense that are you mistaking need for love or intensity for desire? Today there are still decisions to be made, you know how you feel there will be no changes here it will remain and things will not get better over time with this particular thought/feeling.

A Moon in Cancer is a great thing it gets us to get back in touch with how we feel and it’s clear looking at the astro there are things we are all not acknowledging or dealing with which will surface for us to deal with. When the Moon and Sun are in aspect and being that the Moon is aspecting planets sitting in the Sun’s natural sign it’s a tug between heart, soul and mind and one which you shouldn't neglect any further as your just causing your own delays.

Having said that there is a lot of excitement Mars and the Moon bring forth opportunities to do things, to get things done and push forward but you must do something with how you feel. Just ensure your looking at this correctly and honestly. Spirit is guiding people in matters of the heart so don’t fret if your single you have a few last things to knot up - remember Mars, Uranus are sitting with the south Node which is about breaking free from the past, old relationship issues when you run from them once they always find a way sooner or later at finding you until you deal with them - people are just reflections of what's internally going on to a point.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks