Saturday 3 January 2015

The Mystery Cards are Revealed from Facebook - Meanings below

*  *  * Past Time Cards *  *  *

Thank you for Sharing as always I appreciate all your support - Here are the cards and their meanings…

Option 1. The Fairies have encountered an unusual turn of events with the five of wands. The message for you is to not find your self in an argument, do not battle with yourself over something as this will not give you the results you seek. Instead of reaching a conclusion as to how things will end your not seeing things from all angles or perhaps you're not giving it a chance -  you need to talk things out, weigh things up and look at things clearly - maybe what needs to happen is you need to compromise upon something. You Might feel torn between something but instead of avoiding it or stressing yourself out about it - breath and analyze the situation to find a middle ground.

Option 2. Growth Is a Green Chakra card one that is linked with the heart. This Card indicates that your heart is growing, your expanding in some way, whether it is you feel overjoyed with love, or you have started a new project/chapter that you simply love. It indicates challenges as with all things because without the lessons we do not grow and this is a card of growth. Maybe you're ready to make that commitment as you learn the most growing together than alone. It’s also a time to leave behind all that does not serve you anymore - with this it can be hard to embrace the change, however when we are courageous we feel most alive starting and stepping into the unknown. A Positive Card by all means - follow your heart.

Option 3. Perception . A card that indicates things are not always as they seem. So i ask you this… How do you view/see the world? Is it through a place of Judgement or a place of love. You see i think that in your current situation you need to rise above it all and view your situation objectively… Let me elaborate a little - If you have just broken up with someone, look at it as an opportunity to reinvent your self, your life, i know it sounds cliche and i’m one that believes everything happens for a reason… But look at it like this… You enjoyed what ever time you spent with this one person, isn’t exciting to know that there are loads of people that you have not met yet that could bring even more joy into your life? Things break apart so things can fall together. This is stating that there is something you're not seeing and you need to change your perception, when you do so watch how the world around you changes too.

Option 4. The Coffin . This is not a card that indicated actual death but a card that says that it’s a time to wait. The message behind this card is that things come to an end so something new can begin, and i think there will be time spent on letting go of the past but that you should know that new doors are being presented and this time next year you will hardly recognise your self and how far one year can take you. This is a message of release and really stepping forward into the unknown - don’t stay in a place of motionless of being stuck living in the past… Know that your thoughts have power and it is a time to put bad habits to rest.

Option 5. Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. This is a card that shows you just how powerful love can be. It’s a card that shows you that you can accomplish just about anything when you're with the right partner - not just any partner but the one that opens your mind to see the world differently, the lover that can intuitively feel how you feel, the lover that gets you on every level. If this was the card you picked expect love to move you in ways like never before. This could be a new exciting partner on the way, the return of that partner that you just couldn’t let go of or it can be chanced encounter with someone extraordinary that changes something within you. Whatever happens here love is the center of you being happy. Love is all around you can you see it. Know your worth and know that you deserve it.

Option 6. Strife. This is a card of finally breaking free from anything that has held you back recently in the past 4-5 months. It’s a time of great excitement everything runs seamlessly and here you could start a variety of different things that you maybe wouldn’t necessarily do. A house move, a change of job, breaking free from a relationship that you felt stuck in. IT’s a card of revelations - and sometimes these revelations could take you for surprise but i see it as a positive thing no matter what it is it cuts you away from anything inauthentic.

Option 7. Butterfly. This is a collective consciousness card in relation to how we self our self. This card is a message that states you are one of a kind, there is nobody like you in the world, and it is time you embraced that. I see transformation the end to how you was and the birth of who you will be. The choice is yours, only you can decide how beautiful you are. Stop paying attention and focusing your attention upon your imperfections, because those things make you beautiful… Stop comparing yourself to what you see, read and watch in the media - you're shown what they want you to see you're being oppressed. The universe says you're beautiful just as you are, so don’t come from a place of picking on yourself, tearing yourself apart do things that enhance your beauty, make you feel good about yourself… I see a change coming a positive one - so when you love and appreciate yourself fully you will attract that back into your life.

Option 8. Enlightenment is a card that indicates that you know exactly what needs to be done and your acting upon it, a card that is fuelled by emotion but it a way that is guided by spirituality and your chosen path - that epiphany moment! It’s a path led by destiny and an opportunity to create something spectacular and in years to come will inspire others. In some respects it is about doing something that scares you, by stepping into and facing a fear you will feel liberated for sure and more alive than ever. A time that says that the journey is far more important than the destination as you will discover much more than previously expected. A time that by learning to use your thoughts you can heal yourself.

Option 9. The Message with this card is one that requires you to focus upon all that you have… Look around you and really see just how lucky you are!! Now i know if you pulled this card it could indicate that you're coming from a place of lack, by this i mean that you think how on earth am i going to make ends meet? I work like a horse and i’ve got no time for anything else… or perhaps you have no working hours as it’s a quiet time in winter months. This card says that you will be able to benefit from all your hard work, and it also states that wealth is not money - wealth comes in many forms and to stay in a play of love and joy and you will attract to you what you desire.

* * * Astrology WEEKEND January 03+04 2015 * * *

* * * * Astrology January 03+04 2015 * * * *

We start the weekend full of ideas and the need and the wanting to reveal some hidden aspect, plan or feeling as it surfaces. I think today could be a breakthrough day. Lot’s going on in the Astro’s so another intense day…

What i’d like to add that with relationships and looking at the aspect to Venus for sure there is a break, there is either an unexpected new beginning as you know what you want and you're ready to just jump into it, or there will be an unexpected end as you just want to be liberated, free and to just enjoy this is because Venus the Planet of love and relationships moves into Aquarius, but with the Sun still in Capricorn it adds a seriousness and a knowing of what you want now - no confusion.

At 3pm Saturday Venus moves into Aquarius which if anything sparks passion, maybe love comes at you from the most unexpected of places, yet there will be a deep connection but this is very unique energy.

Now Mercury is still in Capricorn but will follow Venus tomorrow so this could indicate the communication side of things, holding back in Capricorn so you can have those important conversations in a way that is not disconnected (Aquarius) but in a rational this is me down to earth kinda way (Capricorn).

Things will surface from within - Sun and Pluto highlights this subconscious self and the death and rebirth of you,a relationship, work or career.
Emotions expand, ideas follow and then comes the acting upon it. Today will illuminate your talents there is also a message from spirit and when you tap into your emotions and follow through on the you can really gain something extraordinary - Opportunities!!

There is also an opportunity to speak your truth when it comes to relationships and if you can reach out be open (in most cases not all) there is a lesson to learn or a test from the universe to follow your bliss your happiness but i feel this wont always be easy however you have much to gain in the future if you do.

But the emphasis on today is to organise your self, liberate yourself and follow through on your life path.

Fate is at play also today - I think a lot of us back in those hard times July-Nov/Dec we chases what we thought would bring us happiness, affection and love - but in a indirect way - i mean we had this desire for everyone to be happy but i think today in particular even the weekend brings an sign that the cracks are showing and this is not actually what you want. Another thing to add here is that your feelings, your true feelings are no longer hidden from you so act accordingly read the situation for what it actually is instead of what you have created it to be.

Unexpected things can happen as we see so many aspects with Uranus in all areas.

An interesting aspect is that the Moon (emotions) are Aspected by both Mars (passion/Sex) and Venus (love/relationships) this could make for some serious passionate affairs this weekend, make up sex, heated revelations that involve all of the above. It’s not a casual affair i might add its one that has a deep connection of love.

Late Saturday and into Sunday there could be a need to take charge of a situation and a need to take hold of your responsibilities now. I think no matter how playful you are with it there is a deep air of ‘’i’m serious’’.


I think sunday will be a day revolving around emotions and feelings. Now there is a need to express these emotions but seeing as the Moon in in cancer it can make someone Crabby, over sensitive or very guarded as you don’t want rejection or to be hurt in the process - but everyone is feeling the same underlying feeling.

I think even family matters could come up Sunday also. I think there will be a great exposing of true feelings that could leave you feeling on edge - but remember you needed to get this out of you even if you're surprised by what you reveal without ever meaning to it’s healthy and necessary - What ever surfaces i think it could even surprise you.

I don’t think everyone will take action because of the push and pull between intuition and logic. Although many of us are awaking to this spiritual side of life not everyone is so Logic could out way and deep pull that spirituality of intuitively pulling us towards the right direction.

I think we will all find something this weekend that shocks us or take us for surprise. I see exciting new doors with love - we can even find that those who find it hard to put down roots - in the world we live in love/ relationships can be almost seen as disposable - yet there is a change in the air that mixes traditional with innovation. There is a blend of having it all without the cheating or lying relationships that start around this time can truly be exciting and long living.

I’ll now be taking Tarot bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks