Sunday 15 February 2015

Monday's Horoscopes for 16 February 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 16 February 2015 * * * *

Good Morning All - Hope you had a lovely weekend…

You should've felt the change in the air by Sunday as the Moon stepped into Capricorn. The Moon will finish up here today before jumping into Aquarius just before the New Moon Coming in the next few days… Okay so what i think this is all about is the fact we are needing to move forward in ways that will benefit us for the future.

From what i can see is that yes we are all taking things a little serious this Sunday, now Monday and we are needing to ensure that we have the foundations and necessities to get to where we want to be. It’s about thinking long term. With all this Aquarius energy it’s about taking new steps, seeing things from a new perspective and really getting out of our comfort Zone.

With the New Moon brewing i think things are really being prepped and planned ahead of time, things are in motion and there will be some powerful things to come about over the next 3 weeks especially in relationships - Powerful new beginnings.

What i do see for today is that it will be a good Monday to get things done. I think there is a strong urge to have important conversations and it’s a good day for this also.

The conversations might be about plans for the future and what you want from life, it’s as though those emotions and feeling need to be expressed, and in a way it’s like your looking at your emotions from a detached and logical way, then you have Mars, the planet of passion and energy getting you to take the courage to take action and speak up a bit.

I think there is something niggling at us from within, today will be that epiphany moment - We finally understand something and we must act upon it… What we can feel safe in knowing is that today with the Moon in Capricorn who rules over Saturn this will be a responsible action and one that you feel you need to take because it will help you move on ready for this fresh new beginning coming up.

Venus is going to be hanging out with mars still so there is still a lot of focus going towards relationships and ensuring your in the right ones, be that romantically or otherwise. It’s time to really be able to see another view point or perspective today especially with that epiphany! Take charge of your life and your own happiness.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks