Friday 13 March 2015

Friday the 13th HOROSCOPE - March 13th 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 13 March 2015 * * * *

With Moon in Sagittarius still we are definitely thinking about changing up a lot of things. As Moon relates with our emotions and how we might be feeling i think a lot has been changing, we are shifting and we want things now, so some of us could become somewhat impatient.

At the very same time as doors are shutting and old chapters of our lives ending it really is a time to look at the doors and opportunities that are opening. The course of the next month you will know what this means for you.

I see a lot of change and it really is just building up more and more, i know we all at times have a habit to hold on to things, but we are not fully fulfilled don’t stay in a position of unfulfillment out of comfort. There is a lot that needs to be released so new stuff can enter our life.

You know, at least i hope you now know long term what will make you the happiest… So now is the time to be honest with yourself it’s time to end something about your past for good. I feel this back and forth will be present for the next few weeks but it really is a time to learn from your past mistakes and move things forward.

What with Mercury now in Pisces it can make communication seem a little distant, confusing or even find more misunderstanding than understanding… Nothing is logically making sense to you! This will have a stronger influence if you have strong Gemini, Libra or Aquarius Traits without much pisces in your chart.

It might feel like your having to trust Spirit a little today to guide you in the right direction as Pisces is not the most logical but the most Spiritual Sign. Mercury the planet of intellect and logic will be combining with the most spiritual Planet Neptune in the Sign of Pisces meaning your needing to have a little faith… I personally see this as destiny/fate coming to play things out over the course of the next ¾ weeks.

So to sum up today is a continue on from yesterday but without some of the harsh aspects, yet it is still somewhat intense whether on a positive or a negative will depend upon the work your putting in on re-evaluating your life… Releasing and letting go of the past ect.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks