Tuesday 29 August 2017


August 29th through to September 5th, 2017

This Week I feel as though something is coming to a close… In some extremes it can feel like a death, now it doesn’t mean a literal death, of a person, but something is going to shift to the point where it’s no longer the same this week.

Your plans could suddenly change or the venue or chosen place for these plans could be shut down, out of business or no longer the same. All in all, I feel something is going to change.

I have tried to do mini predictions for all 12 signs but read all of each element as it could still relate to you - for example… I’m a Pisces Sun, Cancer Rising & Gemini Moon - So I should read all of the water signs (Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio) as well as all of Air Signs (Gemini, Aquarius & Libra) even though the Pisces, Cancer, and Gemini will most relate.

It feels like you're at a crossroads this week Water Signs!

This week Pisces I feel you can either be visiting someone from your past or going to a place that you have not been to in a while or someone is coming to visit you this week - I feel the experience to be somewhat altering, spiritual or it could be drawn to going to church for some reason this week… That of this visit has more to offer you than at first glance.

This week cancer there could be a lot of talk over some sort of important matter at hand this week… I’m not so sure its new gossip or talk but it’s certainly coming up a lot. You may be questioning what it is that you're doing with your life this week and where it’s going to lead you long term. Not sure why but they are saying “Karma”. What goes around comes around.

This Week Scorpio I feel you thinking long and hard about the past, past issues, worries, fears, concerns and doubts about the past. It feels like whatever is going on it's a little larger than life right now and it would be a prime time for you to give meditation a go… I feel there is some kind of spiritual message to take from this week.

This week Fire Signs I feel like also things are moving slowly they are certainly starting to move. SO anything that was already on hold could start to get going.

This week Aries I feel as though you are considering your commitments moving forward… Some of you might be assessing your new responsibilities, commitments, promises, and contracts, while others of you, are looking at your relationships to your children or new friends.  Or perhaps some of you might hear the news that there is a pregnancy in the family - Nieces, nephews or cousins.

This week Leo I feel Like some of you are planning a little get away with your significant other. There could be opportunities for you to be a little more social this week, events, parties or evening dinners could all be on the cards for you this week. For those that are single, you could very well meet someone while out this week for others the indication could be more of an acquaintance that could ask you to go out.

This Week Sagittarius I feel like you're being held back or delayed, this can be with travel or movement plans. There very well could also be an old issue that gets brought back up this week, as a result, something that was not resolved could start to be resolved.

This week Earth Signs I feel there will be some hurdles to overcome!

This week Taurus I feel you will have to face something that you do not want to face. It could be that this week you get an unexpected bill or some of you might get a little fine come your way… I do Feel as though mostly this week will bring some kind of issue and it is one that you do not need to deal with alone - so please ask for help!

This Week Virgo I feel like you have hit a bit of a dead end this week, it’s like the way forward is currently on standby - You could receive news of the delay or if you happen to of been waiting for something to arrive then you can expect that to come this week.

This week Capricorn I feel will be a pleasant week for you. I feel like you could get an offer of work, some kind of proposition coming your way… But I do feel like there could be some sort of social or work event that will have a few obstacles to overcome.

This week there is a lot of sneaking around when it comes to you, Air Signs!

This Week Gemini I feel like there could be a little bit of dishonesty, either from you, yourself, or someone younger being a little bit sneaky. This can point to a secret about a connection with someone younger, or be keeping a pregnancy private… It could be that a child is hiding something from you - or if there are contracts at hand here there maybe something that you do not know - the example you hire someone to then find out in a few weeks or after probation period that they are pregnant and will not be able to work.

This week Libra I feel like someone is for sure lying to you, trying to deceive you in some way, so my advice is to not believe everything you hear this week find the truth out for yourself. It could be a time where you experience some misunderstandings this week. As a side note you can also like your fellow planet ruler Taurus, could find some sort of unexpected expense this week, a bill or a fee too.

This Week Aquarius I feel like there is some connection or reconnection being made with someone that you have known for a really long time or someone most obviously from your past… Now I don’t know why but they give me the impression that you could be escaping some sort of consequences this week, like you're getting away with something in link with the person from your past - they don’t know something or you are not telling them something but this week it doesn’t even matter.

Have a beautiful week!

Tuesday 22 August 2017



This Cancer Rising person is still feeling the effects of last nights New Moon/Solar Eclipse… So I shall keep this weeks weekly brief and to the point.

The energies that I feel for in general for this week is a symbol of growth, they are showing me a tree, so I feel some of you might be tapping back into your roots, connecting to important people to you - like your oldest and dearest of friends. . . For others, you might be feeling a little stuck, and for others, you need really look at what it is that you are aiding in new growth, is it serving you?



This week is a week of blessings for you but on the other side, it seems like you have to have a talk that you may be putting off or avoiding. I promise you that the outcome will be so worth your while! Do not hold back, you need to stand up for yourself or say your piece.

For you guys, I feel that this week is a week you open the window to an entire life change. This is a week where belief(s) could suddenly change, a time where you simply change directions.

I feel for you guys that there are changes being made without your consent or without you being made aware of them this week. It’s a time for you to really start to research and gain wisdom/knowledge moving forward.

For you guys, I get the sense that you could very well overcome some issue, obstacle or blockage that you didn’t think was possible to do so. I feel like luck is on your side - so positive outcomes when you face those difficult situations.

Have a beautiful week!
LOVE ~ LittleWitch <3

Monday 21 August 2017



Please check your Sun, Moon & most importantly your Rising sign for the most accurate predictions of how this Solar Eclipse will affect you in the next 6 months.

To find your planetary placements please enter your birthdate details with accurate time of birth at an online birth chart calculator I highly reccomend www.Astro.com

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your Fun Zone! Need I say it but we are still in a Retrograde so not the greatest of ideas to be committing to anyone thing especially when it comes to invitations, events and creative pursuits, do an Aquarius and keep it wide open… “I’ll let you know… or I’ll get back to you”

It can also bring an unexpected turn of events when it comes to your children (child or Adult) or anything that you decide to create. This could foretell the bringing of an unexpected pregnancy.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your humble abode! So this Eclipse is ushering in an unexpected change in and surrounding your home. This could be a time where you suddenly move, a new person comes to live with you (newborn), You might decide in the next 6 Months to start a family of your own, but basically, expect the unexpected when it comes to home and family. Big change with family or the home.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your social life! So this Eclipse is going to suddenly change your social activity, all of a sudden more people want to talk to you, know you, email, message, facebook, Instagram you - You might decide to relocate, as there is likely to be changes within your neighborhood or where you live.  You could decide to learn something new, or something you have been putting off that could help advance your long-term goals. There could be changes within your friendship circle as well, new ones coming in and perhaps even repairing an old one.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your Money Sector! So this Eclipse can suddenly change your money-making abilities. This can present itself in the form of an out of the blue opportunity to earn more, the family could help support you with a career plan or idea and this is a time where your values could change. Expect some kind of change when it comes to your resources in general. The old way of making money might change, or we can view it through the scope of what was once “you or yours” will change, you might start to assess what even matters to you, what you want might change, what you own might take a change.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting you in your entirety. You might have an epiphany in regards to what feels like a new reality. Your outlook changes and the way you look at things changes. You might want to suddenly make a change to your appearance, be this surgery, a fitness regimen, a new hair color or cut - reminder! Mercury is retro maybe hang on until mid-September before doing anything rash and instead focus on what you want to remove from your life to make way for this new you, new life and next chapter.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your subconscious and past. This is a time where all kinds of truths come to you, you might be feeling a little lost and wanting to escape a lot, however, this is going to be a time where you might very well be worrying or over thinking your life direction. Something just clicks and changes, and it sends you on a healing path, to release all that baggage and weight that is clogging up space in that beautiful mind of yours. It’s like the light just goes on up in there.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your “BIG PICTURE!”. This Solar Eclipse will bring an unexpected change in the form of groups and friendships as well as any kind of cause that you identify with. You might be a little more real, in terms of honesty and speaking from the emotional self. Your Vision or goals or dreams might change during this time.

Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your Subscriber count! You see this eclipse is going to change your direction and anything you have been holding on to, that nagging thing that you keep just beneath the surface will come on out for all to see. The way others see you in effect will suddenly change. It’s time for you to be you and be prepared to be loved for who you are, it’s a time where those who are not in alignment with you and your mission will need to be released as you create a new following. This could be a time where you change jobs/roles.
Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your TRAVEL/MOVEMENT plans. There could be unexpected twists and turns when it comes to movement and travel this is a time where you experience a change of beliefs. Something that you always wanted is being presented to you in a challenging way that will require a bit of  a risk to put it lightly - but the change is put on you no matter what. My advice with this is to know your rights then preach them loud for all to hear!

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your sector of deep emotional secrets. This eclipse really will take you by surprise, this is a time of death, changes and transformations - of course they don’t need to be physical deaths but endings to the what came before. This is a time where joint finances could also take a change. It’s a time to clear debt and get also what your owed. A sudden desire to just clear things out. You might as well gain some sort of help or support in the same unexpected fashion - pride aside and take it!

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your RELATIONSHIP sector! This Eclipse can bring unexpected changes in regards to your intimate and more personal relationships. Be this your in an unfulfilling marriage then it could end up leading to walking away from that, or if you have been single for sometime then you may desire a closer more serious relationship - you need someone now.


Astrologically the Eclipse will be affecting your WORKHOUSE! There could be unexpected change when it comes to your working environment, a new set up, a change within the workplace, be it staff or the work itself. It can also bring a sudden change in regards to your health, so pay attention during the next few months. Could also be a time where you take in a new pet or adopt or take care of one why someone is away. But this is a time where you could receive a work offer. All in all i’d say it can bring a sudden change to your priorities and your lifestyle.

Thursday 17 August 2017




So this month, for the August mid-months I decided to focus on the Solar Eclipse, for those who don't follow me on Facebook, Instagram or the newsletter then please check out the link here to my previous blog post to find out what the Eclipse means for your Sun, Moon & Rising sign ~ Click here ~

In this short post for those who don't follow me on YouTube, I will now tell you what short impromptu messages came in for your Signs for the rest of August 2017.

Aries | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that you guys might very well be avoiding some sort of important issue. Perhaps even thinking about something from a superficial perspective - whatever that means for you...

Taurus | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that Taurus can be at the focal point of some serious loving. I see either you're going to be visited by a love or you're going somewhere with a lover or if you're single perhaps you hear of some kind of admiration from someone. Now obviously love can be a family it’s basically a sign that someone cares for you. I do see this in action, so it’s likely a visit or you're going somewhere perhaps a short holiday/ or long holiday away with someone close to your heart.

Gemini | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that Gemini I actually am showing something similar to Taurus - which is weird (not sure if anyone has an overlap - like a Taurus sun/Gemini moon)

So you guys can expect to hear news from someone, perhaps someone comes to visit you I do feel more of a masculine presence, so either a man or someone who has a lot of fire or Air in their charts. I see either you're going to be visited by a male love interest or you're going to reach out to them or if you're single perhaps you hear someone is interested in you. It definitely feels more romantic but these are general insights so obviously love can be a family it’s basically a sign that someone cares for you.

Cancer | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that you guys could receive news from the past or about something that happened way back when. Or you reconnect with someone from your past, either social media wise or a random text out of the blue. Or someone moves to town. Another thing this could be is that you will receive news of something being delayed - if you guys have travel plans they might need to be put on hold or there will be a delay involving it. Be it server traffic, road closures, accidents, things breaking etc or just delays from getting to A - B is going to take forever, to plan before you head out.

Leo | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that you could feel stuck in a situation with no way out it - it almost feels like your stuck Leos, stagnation, you are trying your best to find a way, but right now there is nothing to do but to wait You're also keeping something quiet as well.

Virgo | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that Virgo’s you might actually be getting away with something, perhaps you have been doing something you shouldn’t. I sense lies, perhaps white lies, but still, I feel lying is about.  Anyways aside from that, I do also feel like there could be an ongoing bill that needs to be looked at - read your fine print!

Libra | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that Libras are going to be receiving solutions to their problems. Als, I feel like there could be a successful man or a woman who holds the keys to your success. I’m seeing a single key on a chain next to a man/woman…

Scorpio | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that Scorpio’s I feel like there is a change in the air for you… It’s like I see something that has been the same for a really really long time and now there is a change to that. It’s like there was something that you just accepted as dead certain but now it’s changing. To be honest I think it’s long over due.

Sagittarius | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that for Sagittarius’s there is finally a recovery process - some of you could have been battling some kind of long illness, be it physical, mental or emotional and now you can start to see that it’s starting to be lifted. For others of you there could be either a sudden illness, maybe illness it the wrong word - more like little accidents, like breaking a finger, a leg, falling off your bike, but fear not there will be recovered or it could also be a change of jobs.

Capricorn | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that for Capricorn’s I see an out of the blue argument taking place and it is likely to be in regards to something from the past or about a change that is happening.

Aquarius | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that for Aquarius you experience some kind of hardship, but that I mean something is going to cost you, but the good news is if you act now, you will save yourself a lot in the long run, then if you wait. Follow your heart or it could get stolen, or the act of not acting will cost you more.

Pisces | Sun - Moon - Rising Sign

The last part of August is that For Pisces what I sense is that you need to make some changes when it comes to your career or work life. The word Transformation, is coming through loud and clear, so in effect, you need to reinvent something if you have your own business, perhaps even you could benefit from learning a new skill, or gaining more knowledge in your field or I mean perhaps there are things happening that you are unaware of in this sector - you need to be in the know - so be conscious with learning as much as you can - I feel there could be an opportunity coming your way - and for some perhaps even the opening for a dream job.

Tuesday 15 August 2017



So this is a week where we shall experience a Solar Eclipse in Leo - You might already be fully aware but the Sun always shines, Just as many of the Leos in this world do, at least from sunrise to sunset, So the fact we have the MOON (dark side) blocking the Sun from doing his thing is a pretty big deal. It’s true they only happen a couple times in a year, but it’s been said for as long as time, that it was a doorway for the evil to creep into this world, almost always the ancients saw it as a warning of something sinister to happen.

Reason being is the Sun is life force energy, it’s not just the heat that keeps you warm, it helps to grow crops all in all it gives vitality. So when the sun goes dark (Eclipse) it symbolically brings a death, the Mighty Sun appears to be consumed with darkness - So the ancients would hide inside, they wouldn’t sleep out of fear of not waking, they would often pray, reflect, hope that the sky will not cave in altogether.

Now Solar Eclipses can/are powerful, especially in the Fiery Sign of Leo… Conjunct Regulus, the brightest star in the sky, that is a representation of Royalty and everything that can bring (kings in the day were ruthless, powerful, determined and ambitious- depending upon the king of course but power and control is still very much alive in today’s world). I believe we have much to learn from those who came before us, but I don’t believe them (Eclipses) to be evil but I do feel they are markers of great changes… They help you to see things that you wouldn’t of ordinarily.

I would say that this Eclipse you will be seeding something new and it might take you back or surprise you - after all the sun is hidden - so you won’t even see it coming. Now an Eclipses energy can last up to 6 months but will be felt most strongly for the next few months specifically.

Okay, so I'm gonna channel in and see how this eclipse might affect your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign as well as any additional messages for this week.

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Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Fun Zone! Need I say it but we are still in a Retrograde so not the greatest of ideas to be committing to any one thing especially when it comes to invitations, events and creative pursuits, do an Aquarius and keep it wide open… “I’ll let you know… or I’ll get back to you”

It can also bring an unexpected turn of events when it comes to your children (child or Adult) or anything that you decide to create. This could foretell the bringing of an unexpected pregnancy.

This week Aries I feel as though you're feeling a little lonely almost soul searching, thinking and awaiting some news, paperwork, correspondence of some kind.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your humble abode! So this Eclipse is ushering in an unexpected change in and surrounding your home. This could be a time where you suddenly move, a new person comes to live with you (newborn), You might decide in the next 6 Months to start a family of your own, but basically, expect the unexpected when it comes to home and family. A big change with family or the home.

Taurus this week I feel like something got you upset, I see birds chirping in the trees above you and so I feel like you have overheard something and jumped to conclusions or became reactive to something - but not all is lost.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your social life! So this Eclipse is going to suddenly change your social activity, all of a sudden more people want to talk to you, know you, email, message, facebook, Instagram you - You might decide to relocate, as there is likely to be changes within your neighbourhood or where you live.  You could decide to learn something new, or something you have been putting off that could help advance your long term goals. There could be changes within your friendship circle as well, new ones coming in and perhaps even repairing an old one.

Gemini I see you taking inventory, I feel like there is something you have stumbled upon and you're trying to keep it quiet, perhaps you have been investigating something or someone and now you're either being deceitful or you figure out someone been not so honest with you. All in all this another week of working hard or piecing something together - you certainly know more than you are letting on.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Money Sector! So this Eclipse can suddenly change your money making abilities. This can present itself in the form of an out of the blue opportunity to earn more, the family could help support you with a career plan or idea and this is a time where your values could change. Expect some kind of change when it comes to your resources in general. The old way of making money might change, or we can view it through the scope of what was once “you or yours” will change, you might start to assess what even matters to you, what you want might change, what you own might take a change.

Cancer this week I feel like there is a little bit of excitement, I feel like something has been reignited and you have the key you need to open the door you want to walk through - solutions are well within reach.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting you in your entirety. You might have an epiphany in regards to what feels like a new reality. Your outlook changes and the way you look at things changes. You might want to suddenly make a change to your appearance, be this surgery, a fitness regimen, a new hair colour or cut - reminder! Mercury is retro maybe hang on until mid-September before doing anything rash and instead focus on what you want to remove from your life to make way for this new you, new life and a new chapter.

Leo this week you are so unorganised, it feels like you have 101 things to do and you're all over the place this week. It’s time to get to work, because it seems like your cash flow is a bit all over the place as well and what with your busy schedule you could forget to pay something this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your subconscious and past. This is a time where all kinds of truths come to you, you might be feeling a little lost and wanting to escape a lot, however, this is going to be a time where you might very well be worrying or over thinking your life direction. Something just clicks and changes, and it sends you on a healing path, to release all that baggage and weight that is clogging up space in that beautiful mind of yours. It’s like the light just goes on up in there.

Virgos this week I feel a trip is in order, travel, going the distance with someone or something. I feel like something is expanding in your life, even though Mercury is retrograde I feel a lot of movement even if it is backwards in a reflective state.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your “BIG PICTURE!”. This solar Eclipse will bring an unexpected change in the form of groups and friendships as well as any kind of cause that you identify with. You might be a little more real, in terms of honesty and speaking from the emotional self. Your Vision or goals or dreams might change during this time.

Libra this week I get the feeling of grief, and as you may know, if you have been following me a while is that grief truly is just love without a place to go. I feel like something is ending or coming to a head and you're holding on to it when you need to be releasing it.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Subscriber count! You see this eclipse is going to change your direction and anything you have been holding on to, that nagging thing that you keep just beneath the surface will come on out for all to see. The way others see you in effect will suddenly change. It’s time for you to be you and be prepared to be loved for who you are, it’s a time where those who are not in alignment with you and your mission will need to be released as you create a new following. This could be a time where you change jobs/roles.

Scorpio this week I get the sneaking suspicion that you might have a little surprise waiting for you at home. I say home but this could be a notion of your past, be it a representation of the family - but I feel a surprise coming your way this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your TRAVEL/MOVEMENT plans. There could be unexpected twists and turns when it comes to movement and travel this is a time where you experience a change of beliefs. Something that you always wanted is being presented to you in a challenging way that will require a bit of a risk to put it lightly - but the change is put on you no matter what. My advice with this is to know your rights then preach them loud for all to hear!

Sagittarius this week I feel you have a hard choice to make, one that will define the future in some way… You have two options, one will lead you to happiness the other might only be temporary, so this is the time to think long and hard. I also feel like money is on your mind. For some of you, there could be a serendipitous moment where you meet a “wealthy” love interest.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your sector of deep emotional secrets. This eclipse really will take you by surprise, this is a time of death, changes and transformations - of course, they don’t need to be physical deaths but endings to the what came before. This is a time where joint finances could also take a change. It’s a time to clear debt and get also what you're owed. A sudden desire to just clear things out. You might as well gain some sort of help or support in the same unexpected fashion - pride aside and take it!

Capricorn this week you could be tempted to visit the past, be it an old romantic interest, business venture, well the business of pleasure, remind yourself that things ended for a reason… Any hookups might leave feeling disempowered… But I see movement this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your RELATIONSHIP sector! This Eclipse can bring unexpected changes in regards to your intimate and more personal relationships. Be this your in an unfulfilling marriage then it could end up leading to walking away from that, or if you have been single for some time then you may desire a closer more serious relationship - you need someone now.

Aquarius this week you are at the crossroads of your destiny. You have some life changing situations starting to manifest. I see you standing there and really trying to figure out if this is enough for you and what it is that you keep coming up with.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your WORKHOUSE! There could be unexpected change when it comes to your working environment, a new set up, a change within the workplace, be it staff or the work itself. It can also bring a sudden change in regards to your health, so pay attention during the next few months. Could also be a time where you take in a new pet or adopt or take care of one why someone is away. But this is a time where you could receive a work offer. All in all, I’d say it can bring a sudden change to your priorities and your lifestyle.

Pisces This week I see relationships are your focus, be it business, romantic or friendly, I feel someone or something is coming back up for you, could be past related but it won’t be exactly expected. This could also bring up contracts and commitments too.