Thursday 12 February 2015

Astrology Horoscope Insight for Thursday 12 February 2015

* * * * Horoscope 12 February 2015 * * * *

If you would like to know what your Valentines will be like this year i’m doing a short One Card Reading for £2 going into this to book just drop me an email or book online at my website and select other. All readings will be sent to you the very same day.

Today in the UK we still have a Scorpio Moon until later 6pm ish, when it goes into Sagittarius which puts a spin on things. What we have to be aware of is that Saturn the Planet of hard work, restrictions and lessons is also in Sagittarius which can indicate there will be much positive and a better outlook however there is also a lot of work to get done at the same time.

I think today will be about finally making those decisions and picking a path and making your way down it… Mercury is not on pause no longer it’s moving once again, and yes it’s still in a shadow aspect, which kind of means it’s a little foggy (hard to speak out) but we know where to go and what to do it’s about making the decision final.

Today could be the perfect day to put to rest anything old that no longer serves you as I see Sagittarius as a renewal/revealtype energy, I see Sag’s as the the librarians of the zodiac they know only as much as they need to know with infinite possibility to tap into more understanding. So yesterday we all should've receive a sign or news or the change of some sorts and now it is about doing something with it.

To add i think that Saturn and the moon coming together is about being strong in how you feel because if your lying to yourself this will quickly be exposed. Sagittarius will shine a light upon it, you now consciously know how you feel - for god sake act upon it, take a little responsibility and get it out in the open you will feel so much better instead of repressing it and removing yourself from the situation.

What’s funny… well not funny, but you see so many people have had break ups and partners are just jumping into somethings else and projecting that emotional need and want onto other people… because we so want to connect! This makes the new people in our life feel amazing, yet they are not able to give that same level of comfort because it’s not the same. I think with valentines around the corner it really puts pressure on everyone to hook up, be with or find love - now there is a lot of emphasis on love which is why i’m saying act now or lose it forever… The universe is bringing people together so it will be your own loss if your not being authentic with you!

I think today will highlight perceptions and projections - you know in your self what is in your heart yet Aquarius shuts this off because they feel uncomfortable with it… What’s funny is by Pisces the opportunity will no longer be there, it will be gone thats how powerfully the universe is working with relationships. . . Also a typical Aquarius thing would be to say ‘’At least i tried… then move on’’... It’s not trying its missing out and we will discover a lot more about this over the next 5-6 years.

So yes today will feel a little intense as we are so wanting to connect and find the truth and happiness we know how we truly feel… It will be a happy, positive and more fun and free as we get into the this evening  but at the same time by late tonight there comes in the energy of decisions and choices and getting to work as we have a lot happening over the weekend.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks