Tuesday 16 December 2014

Astrology December 16 2014

Astrology December 16 2014

Lots of Capricorn going on starting from tomorrow and in terms of relationshipships i’d say stay away from the need to control a situation… I think now the energy is starting to shift into a more serious tone and not in a negative way but in a way that allows you to really start to process things in an analytically - I also see the need to let go of something as well it’s a time where there are endings but there will be new beginnings and not all is lost.

Relationships are highlighted because the Moon is still in the sign of Libra so a lot of what i spoke of yesterday still applies today. Something unique does take place today that will leave you thinking, questioning even what gives you true fulfilment, emotional fulfilment and unconditional love. I think we have been so consumed with searching or looking at things in a materialistic way, or a way that will give us many moments of pleasure but not true fulfillment. This feeling will not last all day but i urge you to pay attention to whatever comes up for you.

It’s more so confirmed because the planet of love and the planet of endings and beginnings are making a square which causes stress and tension. Again when i say this it is not necessarily a negative thing but more of a reminiscing and a letting go or will cause us to look at things more seriously to see what we truly desire from a partnership.

Now I know some people are still finding it hard to get over something that happened in the past, this is not always the return of someone so do not force things or read into things today… I infact urge you to allow that new person or situation in because it will be effortless and you will find all the joys you're looking for in a way that you deserve.

The reason i say do not force, control or pressure is because Mars is in Aquarius so they always find a way to break free as they hate to be chained down, they like to come and go as they please when it suits… Not in a bad way they just need this time to be free to do all that they ‘’think’’ they need. Even more so if you're with an Aquarius - allow it or move on with someone who can truly fulfill you - you cannot change someone nor should you want to

I think now you're starting to see the bigger picture, things are clearer and you can really find some positivity to how your feeling. You can now look at your situation and your emotions should expand to look at relationships as what it could be or should be.

I think by around 6pm today the Sun and Moon will Sextile bringing forth an opportunity and this is great because your heart and mind/Emotional mind are in sync with one another this means you're able to act upon things or find harmony or joy with everything.

There is also a lot going on with the planet Neptune today making for a spiritual, guided day so pay attention to the gentle reminders the universe sends, could be in a song, a conversation you over hear, topics that come up ect… I feel like you will understand something deeper than usual or maybe your just really in tune with someone today - trust in your intuition.

Now Venus in serious capricorn is feeling stressed out with a relationship, maybe someone wants to get serious and you really do not want that, you want things your way or maybe you're confusing what you think is a friendship with something more. Decisions decisions I think you're looking for something or someone unique who can bring you still everything that you want but remember to be fair you can’t have t all your way and i know that a venus in capricorn can be a little selfish at times because he wants what he wants but the passion is still there. Perhaps your heart is somewhere else… Ask yourself why if this is the case?

The chances are you could find your self doing, allowing certain things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do or allow. Unique action could be taken at this time. Again stop looking at life as you want it to be, as you think it should be and accept it for what it is when you do that you will be surprised by the changes and shifts that take place.

Today a lot could happen, anything could happen and things could expand expect something a little magical to take place - I think also here is a time to listen to what’s going on inside of that mind and see the correlation in what’s going on around you.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks