Friday 10 April 2015

Horoscope for Friday 10 April 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 10th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Capricorn and that means in an Earth Sign, Earth sign people are practical okay so being that Moon is here can mean that you feel all the emotions but your also not ruled by them as much as a water sign, your able to look at them objectively.

Capricorn Moon states that you need to keep going on this new journey this new phase it may feel unfamiliar but with the aspect to Venus you need to break free of the need to be loved in a certain way as Venus too is in an Earth sign one of which is ruled by Venus, Capricorn wants something more and now is not the time to settle for something that is less that all that you want.

Your also asked at the same time to make actions, to move slowly there is no need to rush your self from one thing to another but to take things slowly. Also if you are someone who is very emotional it says to put this energy these feelings into something productive. Again i will say that you need to ensure your energy and efforts are going towards the right things and that your not wasting anything.

Also a word of caution is that your mind maybe working a little quicker than usual and due to this you may prematurely say or take impulsive actions that later you might regret.

But saying that today is still a positive day with lots of grounding and just making sure we are heading in the right direction.

UPDATE: YOUTUBE - I have been working on My compatibility videos the past few weeks hence the delays… But i will Next week be posting up my first out of 77 Videos talking Signs through Signs both Men/Women in relationships trying to incorporate same sex relationships as well as friendships, work partnerships so it’s going to be a pretty in depth series of which i hope you will find interesting and insightful.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks