Thursday 18 September 2014

Crystal Water - Crystal Elixir?

Crystal Water - Crystal Elixir?

So, I you might of seen a while back that i posted a scientific experiment about labels, words, intentions and how they affect planets, water and other things…

Well to cut a long story short, when we apply labels, with certain words written upon them, or even when we speak certain words that they in turn carry an energy with it and effect the ‘’said thing’’.

So that happens both ways, if we say particularly good things, or we make food with love and gratitude it tastes different to that of something that was made by someone who was thinking or saying horrid things! I’ll try find a few experiments and link them below.

What i’m trying to say is we are all energy! Everything is energy and we all vibrate on different levels, same as certain words have different energy within them - This being said you can change your mood simply by changing your language… Now i’m not talking about swearing because in some cases we see and use certain words with a positive intention so this would not count.

So, I have been testing out the difference with drinking water. Yes i might be a tad loopy… But i kid you not - TRY IT!! you will be amazed. Now all i am doing is placing a Clear quartz crystal  in the water - I personally bottle the water up and keep it in the fridge and place a quartz at the bottom.

Now the taste is so much different in my eyes… Might just be my energy with the crystal but i know people who have done this and it has made a difference, it’s just so energizing.

Note: You cannot put all crystals in there as some can be harmful - Id recommend staying with the quartz family - Clear, rose, amethyst, green aventurine… Now each crystal has different properties so depending on your own personal preferences you might like to experiment with different ones, or mix and match… I’m only using Clear quartz for now as it  purifies, amplifies all other crystal elixirs. It can be be used for healing on all levels and on any of our bodies. Strengthens, heals and amplifies energy. It really does give a boost it is not like drinking normal water this stuff is magic…

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think!! =) Again research the crystal before adding it to your water

Link to Myth-busters plants have consciousness

The Rice Experiment

Astrology News - Thursday 17th September

Astrology Thursday

All lot more comfortable today than yesterdays energy. Things are flowing a lot more today, with stability, will and action with a little pick me up later on.

Lots of fire starting to grow, which in turn will light up a lot in our lives. Exciting new things & opportunities too - to the extent we could feel a little stretched - So advice is to stay within certain limits don’t get to crazy!!

The universe has opened doors so powerfully, that your able to do, explore new areas, things that you have never done before and go into new directions that you have not before. Breaking free & moving forward leaving the troubles in the past.

It’s about your passions and what you want today - there is no need to take every opportunity, just stay within your truth. There is the need to get deep here!

We have been learning to get our life together these past few weeks, re-adjusting things, getting organised and we are starting to get there. AGAIN Make  sure you are following your truth.

A surprise tonight when all the fiery energy kicks in, the love starts to come around, something really exciting is coming our way.

HAppy Thursday to all