Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuesday Horoscope 31 March 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 31 March 2015 * * * *

Today the Moon will finish up in Leo and Move into Leo around the same time that Mars Moves into Taurus. So we have two obvious shifts out emotions and our Action both moving into Earth signs.

When things go into Earth Signs, it slows it down it enables us to process and look at things and especially with Mars we are not not so hasty in our motives and actions. This is a great thing because Mars in Taurus is wanting to look and take action slowly and looking at the long term so there will not be any hasty movement here in love and romance. Which is because Taurus rules over Venus as does Libra…

Looking at love then it’s apparent that what is happening in relationships being as we are in between eclipses and the North node of destiny is sitting in Libra means we are now being a little more cautious when it comes to matters of the heart. I also see it as learning a lot about relationships and seeing things you wouldn’t usually Moon over in Virgo is going to be digging deep and finding the answers to uncover something that doesn’t quite sit right with them.

For relationships to grow there is a needs to be a change in something and learn something from the past that you may of taken for granted as well. What with Jupiter(planet of opportunity, expansion and luck) getting involved to i see it as be careful with what your investing in and really see if it’s coming from the heart.

Sun in still in Aries and it’s sitting on top of South Node which is all about letting go of the past, the ego and move towards that where you know you need to be… However everyone who knows an Aries knows that they are stubborn as hell and when they are adamant they do not move for nobody.

Expect a little magic today… fate is at play =) Happy Tuesday x

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 30 March 2015

Monday Horoscope March 30th 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 30 March 2015 * * * *

Okay Big things this Week!! But lets just crack on with today and what is going on here… Now Moon is still in the Sign of Leo, so emotions are all up and about being in the heart space, being true to yourself and to not live or pretend to something your not to please others.

What is really super cool today is we will have 7 Planetary influences all in Fire Signs which means we are all lighting up, wanting to take action, we feel fired up to take charge, things feel or should feel empowering in some way today there is aneed for things to happen and happen fast - guess patience is off the tables.

With all this creative energy around us i think we tap into our emotions and use them for something. Don’t feel like what has happened over the past - “well it kinda feels like the universe has us on a rollercoaster when it comes to relationships” - is all for nothing it is serving a purpose and we need to really look at our relationships and check that they are right for us and that we are being honest with who we are with currently.

I see a change in how we are seeing things today i really do… But Guys, you need to not rush yourself so much, are you looking at the bigger picture or are your jumping into to something for reasons unknown. We all want to feel good, to be over it, and done with it and that takes time jumping into things will only cause issues later down the line.

Look at your actions, look at what you have done to get where you are, and ask yourself is this door the right one to go through - i feel your already going through it in fact your on the path now but is it right or are you doing for some unconscious reason.

Decision time and i know i keep speaking of decisions but it’s because the choices we are making now will ultimately affect everything else. I see today as time to check in and yes today will be positive upbeat and i’m not saying it to drag anyone down… but to make you aware of what’s going on beneath the surface.

Another reason why it’s decision time is because Mercury leaves Pisces (mr indecisive) and jumpings into Aries which is the energy of - decide now… This happens at the same time Mars shifts out of Aries and into Taurus which then starts the slow building upon the choice you have made - call that what you will i think thats pretty amazing stuff…

All in preparation for the Lunar Eclipse On Saturday 4th at 1pm (not visible here in the UK our next visible one will be september 28th which will be a TOTAL 100% Lunar Eclipse).

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 28 March 2015

Weekend Horoscope March 28+29 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 28+29 March 2015 * * * *
Moon in Cancer Saturday and some of Sunday. So unlike yesterday which if your a cancer or have strong cancerian traits you should of been able to handle it slightly better than everyone else because your emotions are naturally up and down and extremely intense even if you conceal it.

So Yesterday brought to you some news, something you thought was a certain way then changes and causes upset or a little/big melt down. The reason being is because your logic was off and Mars in Aries wants action so you react on your emotions - not always the best thing.

Today/Saturday Mercury is going to aid your emotions get you to think logically, but all that intensity is still there. There is a need to take action however make sure your taking the right action, make sure you know all the facts and it is really not the time to put yourself down.

It might sound very cliche but how many times has there been when you thought you just couldnt do something, you didn't want to even though you know it’s for the best you put it off, stressed over it then when you finally did it you wondered why the heck you put it off as everything has a way of working out.

I think over the course of the weekend you will have to accept, acknowledge and clear out somethings, there is a need to move past the past get out of these bad habits you find yourself falling into. As well as decisions needing to be made.

Sunday will be far more pleasant than Saturday in my opinion because the aspects are more gentle and the Moon shifts over to Leo and combines with lucky Jupiter so it’s a good thing as we should all be able to expand our hearts a little to do right.

What i will say is you need to make difficult decisions, but make sure your thinking it through and not just emotionally reacting to things ensure it’s coming from the right place and you will benefit from it.

So by Sunday things should start to get back on track! Happy Weekend all =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 27 March 2015

Friday's Horoscope March 27 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 27 March 2015 * * * *
Moon in Cancer today and i did give you a pre warning yesterday about how intense the emotions are going to be and it is the same for today my friends.

Moon in Cancer gives the ultimately heighten emotions so those with their natal moon in cancer will be better at dealing with this than everyone else. You see what’s happening is things are not what you thought they were/are right now this causes you to be impulsive and not think before you act. Mercury has little to no aspects today so your logical mind is off today you will be acting how you feel and you will find it tedious to pretend or hide how you feel.

Today expect a little or big (depending upon you) Melt down there is a need to adjust your sails today as i said before things are surfacing that you didn't know before and you need to figure out what to do with it.

Uranus being it’s erratic self is going to trigger a lot of things today which can cause your moods to be a little up and then a little down. This could be harder for those who are the suppressors of emotions.

Today is all about moving into a more authentic you and looking at the decisions you have made and seeing if they still align with your long term happiness goal. . . It’s okay to of got it wrong my point is that your being asked to do something about it.

So in regards to love could be a weird day, a day where you thought you felt a certain way then something you couldn’t see before you now see and it causes you to react in a way. . .

Look at the choices you have made over the past 6-7 months and see where your at now, let go of the past but make sure you are moving in the direction of your heart and true self as opposed to what your mind/logic is telling you.

Today s all about the feeling body and to not be quite so guarded.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 26 March 2015

Thursday's HOROSCOPE MARCH 26 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 26 March 2015 * * * *

Moon Finishing in Gemini (gemini ruled by Mercury) and Squaring Mercury which in turn adds to the confusion or tension you might be feeling today. We also have a affirming aspect with Sun & Jupiter also.

So this to me means you maybe are suppressing a thought or feeling that keeps coming to mind. When Moon Moves into Cancer around 8pm UK time there will be a want to just go retreat and the emotions will make themselves known. There is a confusion in the sense that are you mistaking need for love or intensity for desire? Today there are still decisions to be made, you know how you feel there will be no changes here it will remain and things will not get better over time with this particular thought/feeling.

A Moon in Cancer is a great thing it gets us to get back in touch with how we feel and it’s clear looking at the astro there are things we are all not acknowledging or dealing with which will surface for us to deal with. When the Moon and Sun are in aspect and being that the Moon is aspecting planets sitting in the Sun’s natural sign it’s a tug between heart, soul and mind and one which you shouldn't neglect any further as your just causing your own delays.

Having said that there is a lot of excitement Mars and the Moon bring forth opportunities to do things, to get things done and push forward but you must do something with how you feel. Just ensure your looking at this correctly and honestly. Spirit is guiding people in matters of the heart so don’t fret if your single you have a few last things to knot up - remember Mars, Uranus are sitting with the south Node which is about breaking free from the past, old relationship issues when you run from them once they always find a way sooner or later at finding you until you deal with them - people are just reflections of what's internally going on to a point.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Wednesday's HOROSCOPE 25 March 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 25 March 2015 * * * *

Moon still in Gemini (gemini ruled by Mercury) and Squaring Mercury which in turn adds to the confusion or tension you might be feeling today. We also have a affirming aspect with Pluto also.

So this to me means you maybe are suppressing a thought or feeling that keeps coming to mind. There is a confusion in the sense that are you mistaking need for love or intensity for desire? Today there are decisions to be made, you know how you feel there will be no changes here it will remain and things will not get better over time with this particular thought/feeling.

I see a big decision to be made today and it’s been on the agenda for some time… Suppressing it won’t make it go away and if you don’t want to deal with it you might be made to at a later stage but it will be more difficult - Change the way your looking at it i find that helps me out even if i’m being stubborn in seeing it - it does make a difference.

Things are ready to move ahead but i feel some of us are still unsure of which door to walk through, it’s like we want to just stay here for now we are not ready but the change is already upon us. I want to tell you that you have picked your path already and nothing will get worse it can only get better - big things are happening, don’t forget we are in between eclipses.

What i feel is key today is to not shut off the heart in hopes to logically make a choice, spirit is guiding you today if only you can find the courage to hear what they say even if its not what you want to hear.

Now it’s not all doom and gloom… When i talk about astrology i not only talk of external things but right now i feel there is a focus on the internal the stuff you can’t see but the stuff you feel… So i hope you find what i say helpful and relatable to you.

Today is exciting this is a new chapter as i keep saying, it’s time to move away from our ego and what’s easy and move in the direction of what we truly want and right now is that perfect time opportunities are here, doors are opening we just have to let go of the past.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Elements: Compatibility: Earth - aka Capricorn, Virgo & Taurus

The Elements: Compatibility: Earth

When i speak of Earth i am referring to the Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus traits. Without getting too complex you do not have to be a Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus  to have Earth traits and i’m sure you know if you follow me your chart is made up with all the signs of the zodiac of which you might have planets sitting in certain signs in certain areas of your life giving you an Earth influence.

Okay so when you think of Earth what springs to mind… The ground… These people are practical people! They need to know facts they don’t have time to talk around it like the Air people they need to know facts.

Say your going on a road trip… These people need to know how long it should take to go from A-B, they take into consideration everything that could go wrong in a trip and that account for that, they make lists that are so organised and take charge type people.

Earth people see things in a certain way, and they need things done in a certain way haha so its that saying “if you want something doing right best do it yourself” They have high standards. I love Earth people they are consistent, reliable and solid like a tree and everyone who knows me knows i love a good solid tree - so beautiful.

Earth people are stable, on time usually or at least let you know if they have been held up although not usually held up… They are hardworking, practical and loyal when they love you they love you getting there takes some time because earth people need to warm to you first they don’t rush in they look at things from all angles and it needs time to grow.

Another thing about earth is that it grows things right? So these people are goal oriented they need results they don’t do things just because they do things because it gets them something or makes they feel a certain way.

Good business people! Thats because earth people like to provide you they like to give you comfort, love, support and security thats the most fundamental things from a physical standpoint - Earth people are physical!

Ambitious, they overthink things and think of the worst first and they are very into the details. They take care of what they eat and they want everyone to do the right thing they are full of practical knowledge but sometime they could learn a little from getting out of the details. They are the responsible ones although they feel burdened by it they would stop doing it.

Dependable, serious and real they get things done they just say things as they see it. Sensual people…

Taurus - They like to feel at home, they are creative, love beauty all things appealing to the eye… They are slow in their stance, lay backed calm cool and collected they don’t rush they just like to relax and go with things in a slow way.

Virgos - Are all down in the details, they are most stuck in there minds and the think a lot and are detail orientated they need to know the whys, and hows and they pick up on everything. They love order, and they take pride of their outward appearance and they are the most hygienic sign. They follow through.

Capricorn -  big business people, they are the leaders and managers. They need to be in a position of control that love structure, and organise things and rise up in professions… they need stability.

security conscious they need to be firmly grounded and cautious people and its only because they know how things can go.. .not risk takers everything is planned out.

Earth with Air - Earth and Air are not a bad combo although in my opinion not the best. Earth helps Air do things with there amazing ideas helping turn them into a reality. Earth is practical and solid Air is hard to grasp, you cannot. I think the Earth people really help the Air people giving them stability. Other placements would depend to see if the couples can last it. Could be a one sided relationship.
Adam Sandler & Jackie Sandler/ Tim Burton & Helena Bonham Carter

Earth and Water This is good combo… Water feeds the Earth and so adds a little more into the relationship to really move the Earth people. Earth people are not ones to express love in an outwardly way but they will do practical things to show their love - So water can really move Earth on many levels. Earth gives water the stability and security that water needs and Water nourishes and nurtures the Earth people with makes for a really deep connection. You can grow something amazing together and this combo can make for good business partnerships.

Brian Austin Green & Megan Fox/ Pink & Carey Hart

Earth with Fire this combo can bring a lot of power struggles as they both want to lead and take control in many ways but it can be quite passionate i just see this combo as something that can cancel each other out. The Fire sign will bring the Earth person out of them selve, it ill bring them adventure, joy and bring them new opportunities. Fun in the short term but long term can be very troublesome… They work differently so unless there is some compromising it can cause clashes. Earth can adapt to the fire but if that fire explodes then it can burn them out and drive each other crazy.

Liam Hemsworth & Miley Cyrus / Nina Dobrev & Ian Somerhalder

Earth with Earth - So Earth does well with each other… Reason being is that you both value the same things and your likely to understand each other and the way that you think. Your both Grounded, working towards something and supportive of each others wants and needs. Both are quite deep but there is a need to fuel it from time to time to keep things exciting. What you will get is loyalty and serious relationship because there is no messing around here. You both have a lot in common and you both can be possessive over each other but there is a want to keep things the same you hate change it will be impossible to tear the two of you up.
FKA Twigs & Rob Pattinson/ Jessica Alba & Cash Warren

As with all relationships it depends on the entire chart and what you want in a relationship. I personally like contrast in mine. So Talking Earth and Earth i think make amazing long term commitment and understanding.. Earth and Fire can be fireworks however a lot of power struggles and arguments. Earth and Water and deep, dynamic combo that can grow and be long lasting. Air and Earth can be the place you go to expand your mind, to think out of the box mainly a friends or business relationship.

So do you want a relationships of Friends = Air. You want a Relationship for a fun, excitement and passion = Fire. A relationship to balance you out and a union that will grow =Water. A relationship with understanding, lots in common go with Earth.

Earth + Earth = Understanding Long term partnerships - Love/Friends or career.
Earth + Water = Romantic, deep connection with lots of growth Long lasting
Earth +Air= Business Partnerships/Friends
Earth+Fire= Fun Excitement Change/ Short term

Thanks for taking the time to read this let me know who your most attracted to in the comments below x x x