Monday 11 December 2017



Tuning into this week’s energy I feel like we can all expect a change when it comes
to how we think it will go, so don't resist and go with it, when we stop controlling
the how the sooner we can receive.

Okay on with this Week | Please check your Sun, Moon & Rising (ASC) Sign for
more well-rounded reading for the Week.


Overview for all Fire Signs
I am being shown a tower when I tune into the fire signs this week…
This could be that because we have a stellium of planets in Sagittarius, and towers are as old as Saturn, we also have a new moon this week in the Sagittarius/fire
sign, in my opinion, it’s time to let the past lie and start focusing on your new story.

ARIES | For you I feel that it’s busy at home this week,  there could be an event
or something social happening or some of you might be going away or receiving
some money/news of money - ie a new work opportunity.

LEO |For you I actually feel like you should now start to see a life goal, a goal you
have been wanting for some time slowly coming to fruition this week - it’s got you
excited but thoughts could be jumbled as Mercury is retro (you are using your
non-dominant side of the brain)

SAGITTARIUS| For you I see luck, good news, completing something that
makes you ease up and relax, gifts or just a reason to be happy - this is the last
leg Sag, Saturn the planet of restrictions will exit your sign on the 20th.


The overall message for the earth Signs
For all, you Earth Signs I see you like the Leo’s are completely some sort of project, goal, material something this week. This could be finishing work for the
holidays, completing assignments on a grand scale - it feels a weight has been lifted. Time to slow down now.

TAURUS | I feel like your worried about something, you're over thinking, over
analyzing either something that you need to say to someone your love or fear over
a potential argument with a loved one.

VIRGO| I feel like this week it would be advised to be quiet this week, especially if someone has confided in you-you just might let the secret slip! So think 1, 2, 3
before speaking - Mercury is retro after all and you are not on your A game.

CAPRICORN |I see mountains!! Ha! So either some of you have trips planned,
or you are getting prepared for the arrival of something big this week. You have
been wanting something to happen and now you see it manifest.

The overall message for all
Someone needs to clear the air (you/another) and it might change things or the
direction of things but this is a lucky break for you… Whatever happens, it’s meant
to… Just make sure you understand and don’t just react. Mercury retro!

GEMINI | I feel like this week is a week for a fresh start, a new relationship or
commitment - it is just the start - but looks to be a happy week so play, play & play
some more.

LIBRA |This week looks to be a week of back and forth messages from a friend,
part of you will get it the other part will be so confused - best these things are
spoken or said face to face to stop wires crossing. Tad weird: your pet could be
trying to communicate something to you this week (if you have one), if you don’t
you might look into it.

AQUARIUS | This week you could return home for the holidays or you
could stay over someones this week - it feels like a busy little get together,
everyone is talking.

The overall message for all
This week I see a change in the making and I don’t think everyone is too happy
about it. It’s time to do you first. I see an unexpected invite or proposition this
week that might cause an out of the blue argument or a little conflict. Stand up
for what you want.

CANCER |This week you have a meeting with destiny- think divine intervention
something is meant to be. Also, the energy is building up at work over this week
leading into next week - it will have people talking.

SCORPIO | You guys have reason to shine this week, you could purchase or
receive something that means a lot to you, you just have a little more luck,
especially when it comes to attracting a little extra - other than that looks to be
a social one this week.

PISCES | You guys may be concerned about where your heading, what your doing, thinking about all that feels unknown and uncertain for you. This is a week where if you're present you will be shown/guided on your next move - maybe even your exit strategy.