Wednesday 13 November 2013

guide to Auras

Ask a Little Witch

How to See an Aura

Good evening all that’s tuned in to Ask a little Witch … So you clicked on this because you’re curious as to what an Aura is, how can you see an Aura and if it’s a trick that most can do… Let me do my best in explaining it as much as I can from what I've learnt over the past.

An Aura, What is an Aura?

Well, an Aura is a vibration of energy. There, wasn't that simple? Okay, now let me explain… All living things are made of energy, you yourself are energy, trees, flowers, animals, fruit and all types of things that are alive exuberate energy. Now the vibration, or what I mean by that is, we all run on various frequencies, some vibrate faster, some slower, some have a stronger vibration and others a weaker vibration of energy.

So that's what an Aura is. But what does it look like??

Auras are different, they look different depending on what, who you’re looking at - just as you’re not the same as your neighbour and their different from you. Sometimes you will see a ring of colour around there silhouette surrounding there body. Some will have beams of colour coming from them.

You see the glow around the hand... That's what it appears like... and on some other occasions on healers hands (reiki healers, crystal healers and masseuse etc)  you will see beams, swirls of energy coming out of their palms.

Okay, so why do people see them and what are they for?

Auras are seen by people with a higher sense of awareness, they can tell a lot about a person from the colours that they see coming from them. Healers can tell use the colour of an Aura to see what energy centre (Chakra) is blocked.
Another way I can describe it, you know you get a feeling in the pit of your tummy, sometimes when you meet someone, and for some reason you get a bad feeling… That’s you ‘psychically’ picking up something about that person. You may not see the energy from that person, but you feel it!

How to see Auras…

You need to approach this with an open mind and bucket loads of patience. You need to be in a relaxed state of being, before you begin you will need your subject to practice on... I'd recommend a piece of fruit like an Apple or a banana, you can even practice on your own hand (in time). You will need to place it in front of a white background... like a white painted brick wall (not wooden as wood usually very much alive), If not, stick a sheet or two of plain white paper on a wall and then begin.  

First you want to quieten your mind, so spend 5-10 minutes just focusing upon your breathing. Deeply in, then out, empty your mind of thoughts. 

Then close your eyes, pick up your item (apple or banana) and hold it gently in your palms. Continue breathing in, and then out, you don't want to strain it, or force it to happen... gently feel the item (apple or banana). But feel I do not mean to stroke it. I mean to feel it, what energy vibration do you get... the best way to describe the feeling for energy is the feeling you get when you hold a crystal in your palms. Some feel a tingling sensation and others a warmth, everybody is different and the vibration can even feel different to different people.

Now place your item in front of the white wall or sheet of paper. You then want to look blankly at the outline of the item (apple or banana). Best way is to imagine you were to draw it, look at the item, not directly at it, but to the side (outline). Eventually your eyes will un-focus... don't panic this its the training process of seeing auras. Soon the blur will turn into a colour, and the aura will appear. 

Please do not stare for too long (you will be seeing the imprint of your item for about 5 minutes after if you do that), try for a minute at a time, until you can build up to a couple minutes. Not everyone will see straight away, it takes time, so be kind to your self...

I hope this has helped to explain what an Aura is... Post below or to my Facebook page, with your progress. I will aim to make these blogs into videos on my new YouTube channel in time. 

Let me know if you want to know what Colours of Auras mean.. or what you may want to learn about next...

As always <3 your little Witch x x x 

I do not claim rights to photographs used in this blog