Monday 25 May 2015

Bank Holiday Monday's Horoscope May 25 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Bank Holiday Horoscope 25 May 2015 * * * *
The Moon will be in the sign of Virgo which can bring some harsh truths to the surface today, a day where we are getting stuck down in the details, we are being practical (Emotions are never practical might i add) and usually Virgo does this in a harsh way - Try to be nice to yourself! If you have been being lazy maybe this Moon transit will give you a kick up the bum to get stuff done!

I think we have choices options and decisions that need to be made, and nothing is lining up!!! Now is the time to think, to reflect and it is no time to rush in… Also pay attention to the things you tell yourself maybe there is another way you can go about things today.

It’s like we have an Angel and a Demon sitting one on each shoulder we want to believe and trust our intuition yet we have the other little bugger telling us sorts of self sabotaging stuff! Say NO to thinking that way! Pull yourself up do not crash your self down.

Today requires the TRUTH to be honest, to stop looking out side of yourself for recognition, attention and love and be the person that gives yourself what you need. You need to look at you the way your best friend does and you need a true friend to tell you straight how it is - truth be told good honest friends are hard to come by but i’m certain we all have at least one even if it’s not the one you think of first - Just be sure to be a friend back.
If you have nobody at all you can confide in i’m only an email away!

Bank Holiday Monday is the day of Lessons! Many Lessons, are you learning from the past, or are you running from it, some are even suppressing it and playing make believe - Lessons Lessons Lessons! Stop making the same mistakes over.

I think it could feel a little tense there are a lot of oppositions, Squares which bring forth challenges and they require you to adapt to certain things… With Mercury still Retrograde we are wanting to think forward but there is still much that requires sorting through the past. Again think back to mid January what took place around that time? Does it have any affect on you right now? it’s test time as Saturn throws you a Lesson.

Today is the perfect day to learn about ourselves instead of running from ourselves, our emotions or our feelings!

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks