Saturday 14 October 2017




Thanks, guys again for all those who played along this week, below are the meanings for your #AnimalSpirit Cards. The first part is the spiritual meaning followed by an observation of the Creature itself.

The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Cards

The otters message is about having a little more fun, connecting with your soul tribe, friends and family will be high on your agenda and you don’t need to get drenched in the emotions and seriousness of things but lighten the mood and play as if you were just 6 years old - no more excuses, no more but I need to do x, y, z, it's time you carve out some connection time with those you would fight for.

Okay so yes these little guys are like so incredibly cute, but they are also exceptionally violent when you threaten them or come near their friends and family. Otters remind me of Aquarius people, I know that sounds daft, but Otters need to have fun, they are so social and playful and curious little fluffy beings. I think it's there water-repellent fur that is they symbolism to the Aquarian water bearer vibe, they can be in the water and not get wet, so staying warm and cosy the way we all love them to be. So it’s like, they don’t let emotions get the better of them they are able to block it out - however hygiene super important because if they don’t clean their fur then it stops working as in there water barrier gets compromised and then they can get cold - or at least that’s what I read somewhere. So the Otter showing up is all about your connectedness to those near and dear to you, friends and family are like the centre of your universe, and you will fight or band together in trying times - a little like most the Aquarius folks I know. These creatures are adaptable in terms of they can be both in water and on land showing adaptability… but they do sleep in the water and many people know that they are pretty clever as they wrap themselves in kelp and hold hands so they don’t drift away and this keeps their little group together. That’s where their cuteness ends unfortunately, Sea Otters can be very sadistic, when hungry, apparently they need to consume 25% of their body weight in food, so when it doesn’t have or food is scarce, it will kidnap the cubs and hold it for ransom until the mother otter brings it food. Then comes the Violent sex where 10% of the females die during it. Aside from that the male Otters also like raping baby seals death! #notcool

The message of the Octopus is about shedding a piece of yourself that has been long playing on your mind, holding your back and keeping you captive and frozen in place. The Octopus says it’s been too long since you have created healthy boundaries, after all, it is spineless and flexible, fitting into and out of any space big or small, it moulds itself to the container it has been put into - now it the time for you to action that strategy for escape. For an incredibly intelligent, wise and calculative being you have been the root cause of your own stagnation, well enough it enough, you know what you need to do and that long-term goal is well within your grasp, so what are you waiting for? Shapeshift your way out.

The Octopus is my favourite Sea Creature of all time, in many ways they are the most intelligent of all sea creatures in terms of what they can do with them highly unusual minds.  I find them captivating, everything about them draws me in, they are mysterious and majestic. I’ve heard people refer to Octopi as Water Spiders each of the 8 arms/legs seem to have a mind of their own and well that's because they do.
An Octopus is truly connected to its environment, it knows all its crevices and can be found at the depths of the Ocean, making them grounded. Adaptability is a key term when we talk Octopi, because they blend, hide, camouflage into their surroundings… They are also incredibly strong considering they have no spine and in terms of appearance - They can fit into and out of any whole, as a result, they are master manipulators. Upon attack they can at will self-amputate an arm to distract the predator in order to make an escape - Symbolically you can say that they can release old baggage in order for the bigger goal in life.
They are Sea Travelers, forever on the move and travelling light, they are regenerative, devious and psychological masterminds. They are master thinkers, highly intelligent and highly aware beings, they observe and learn by watching they even use tools (which is advanced and shows intelligence), they always have an escape plan, and it always involves tricking or deceiving their opponent - the disembodiment or its famous black ink to cloud its surrounding while making a prompt getaway. They can recall information, they are logical and reasoning. There have even been stories about ones in captivity who hold grudges - “he would only squirt water and drench one of the ladies”, she left and came back 1 year later and Mr Octopus Drenched her again. These beings seem fearless and cunning, pushing boundaries if ever they had any, they have even been known to kill the ultimate killing machine a shark, and remember these creatures are solitary, spineless and incredibly strong…

Okay, this one is pretty cool to go into because “Panthers” don’t exist. They are wild cats (of various species) with a rare genetic mutation that makes them appear different to those of their representative species. So you can get black leopards or jaguars but we label them panthers.

So the symbolism behind you choosing this card could be that your hiding your true self, pretending to be something that you are not or you don’t know how to share and show your true self. Or you are trying to fit into a mould that you don’t belong to… The Panther is about embracing what makes you unique, tapping into that and purging what is no longer needed. The panther can camouflage itself, it can hide, sneak up on its prey, it hears and sees things that others don’t. It’s the Ghost of the Amazon (or wherever else you find these rare creatures). Being different is a good thing, but don’t hide away because of it - in many ways, this is about regaining your power and embracing your true self, the self that was ridiculed before or shunned in someway - there is something truly majestic about this creature.