Monday 5 January 2015

I'm Back - What's your Sign say about You -


Astrology January 05 2015

* * * * Astrology January 05 2015 * * * *

Hows the Full Moon Energy treating you all today…

Let me start today by stating that we have three Planets now in the sign of Aquarius with this we can really expect that there will be something new happening in relationships, communication will even be a little different and the energy is really pushing us all to follow on with our chosen path.

Looking back to the Sun in Capricorn you can still see that there is an emphasis upon this death and rebirth of something (old/New) as it is combining its energy with Planet Pluto - I think lots of things are continuing to surface from the subconscious and this is what we should be paying attention to.

It will be a time that the universe wants us to pay attention to the bigger picture. It is important that we are still thinking ahead but at the same time we need to align everything else from all areas of our life that affect our happiness. It’s saying now is the time to think before you act, even though there is a push for you to just plow ahead you need to think of you and your long term goals and see how others may be influencing your actions.

I also see that the truths from within are crawling their way to the surface and maybe you will catch people out in how they truly feel and what is actually going on with them. Again think before you act.

There is definitely a tug of war motion going on with a choice that we need to make. We are not sure how to act or react to a situation or a constant running theme in our life… Intuition and logic are out of balance but only because you're fighting against your ego and your heart. Instead of confronting your true feelings and Emotions your waiting them out - and for most the energy will change and you will be able to move past it, but you need to think long term… because ultimately this could cause you unhappiness in the future.

There could be a lot of unexpected things happen that trigger things that you wanted to forget… Again it is all to make you stronger and move into this new phase which has just begun. Full Moon Energy like i said yesterday always bring emotions to a heighten state.

There could be a situation that causes you to trust in your intuition and act fast - the need and the want to protect someone that you care about,trying to not hurt their feelings but ultimately having to act because it’s best for you and for them long term.

You could be torn between following your heart when it comes to a relationship matter or staying on track when it comes to just the material side of a relationship… The vain lover who follows things for the ego and what they can gain instead of following the heart and what will bring happiness long term. A difficult conversation might need to be had, could get a like emotional, a good heart to heart - but remember to focus upon how you feel and not how everyone else wants you to feel - try to keep your thoughts on the present and not drag up past hurts and things that happened in the past on a negative front.

Remember Saturn in Sagittarius over the next 3 years with the exception of the Summer/Autumn gap when it moves back into Scorpio temporarily highlights and breaks anything up that is not authentic or true to the heart… Do yourself a favour and don’t chase status, ego and the things you can gain from a relationship - follow your heart of the next few years could end up being difficult. But it is your path so chose as you will,  It will be your lesson to learn but remember your actions will affect you for the next 30 or so years… 2nd chances do not come round for most

Moving on to a positive note i think destiny and fate are at play here when it comes to relationships something unique, unexpected could show up turn up and all this stuff that is happening today is leading you towards the path that will make you happiest.

I’ll now be taking Tarot bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks