My Spiritual Perspective on the Vegan Movement. . .
Those that know me know the nature of my work so it’s fair to say I am a very open minded person, who lives a somewhat unconventional lifestyle. Before we get into this (I hope to be) Short blog I’d just like to say this is just off of my own perceptions and I urge you to do your own research & look into things for yourself.
We must get out of the “believing everything you read and see”. There was a time where doctors said smoking was healthy for you - just saying! Now we know it’s not (Just one example). We are feed what the large corporations want to sell us. Notice the cost difference on certain foods.
❝I do not believe because you eat meat that you do not love animals, just like I love plants and eat them.❞
I want you to just stop and look around the room that you're in. . . What do you see? I want you to know that everything around you is energy, it radiates off an energetic field of its own - everything is alive and I’m aware that not everyone has extrasensory abilities but boy oh boy if you could see it’s actually pretty beautiful and all because you cannot see it it doesn’t mean you cannot feel it.
I’m not saying you have to give it up and a healthy lifestyle is so not all about eating salads and drinking green smoothies - Heck i’d dye.
Is it really healthy to consume meat with every single meal you eat? Do we really need to eat a low carb diet to stay in shape? Can you really not get enough protein on a plant-based diet? I’m not saying for you to turn vegetarian/vegan… No, I’m saying why not swap out some meat dishes and choose something different, why not try some of the many faux meat alternatives Linda McCartney has a fantastic range - Super tasty. Just make one day out the week to experiment with alternative meal choices - It can be fun and you can be as inventive as you like.
Now the reason for the short Video above! Plants have feelings too! THEY DO!!! It grinds on me when Vegans say Animals have feelings and plants don’t - yes you cannot hear the screams of a leafy green - Does it mean it's not there?
I believe all things are living, breathing beings and no one or the other is better than the other. I also believe that in this thing we call life, something dies so you can live - it’s an exchange and that “food” be it meat or plant based lives on within you… It helps you grow and achieve your dreams, do good deeds ect ect. My point is that a plant-based diet increases and boosts your energy, you can eat so much more of it than you can on a meat diet without gaining the extra pounds. My second point is, do you really want to ingest a low vibration energy source as a way of living. Plants can grow in smallish spaces - animals are not supposed to be caged - but supply and demand requires it. It's funny, or not funny, ironic because we are all prisoners of our own governments feeding back into the cycles and patterns they created.
Nobody has the right to tell you what to eat - but from a spiritual perspective, I do see the benefits for this vegan movement. I know it can feel like a guilt trip or a personal attack when someone comes out and says - "I'm vegan!!". That’s because it makes you feel pressured in doing something different than what you have been long doing probably for your entire life. Habits are difficult when you look at it in a way like “i’m giving it up” - Your not giving anything up, you can have it if you want it but you can choose to make a different choice even if it’s just one meal out of a day or once a week eating a vegetarian or vegan diet. Small steps and every little helps - Stop feeding into what the government wants you to do and pave your own way - in what actually makes your body feel good.
Again I’m not pressuring you to eat a certain way, I’m not a pushy sort of person - But this Vegan movement is 100% necessary, you do not need to follow/support it buts it’s good to be aware of things, be it health wise, environmentally, for the animals ect ect
I Get it! Bacon tastes good -I can have bacon if I want it - truth is I no longer desire it! The food I eat is so unbelievably tasty, I'm buzzing on a plant based diet and My spiritual abilities are strengthening (as the pineal gland decalcify) which is amazing! = A very happy Kerry!
I wouldn’t recommend for anyone to just go plant based! I think the staying power comes with small changes and building on it. I wouldn’t say I’m "Vegan", because I’m not an activist, I'm an advocate, if someone asked me what I eat I’ll say a plant- based diet, I still try to purchase things that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals! I do not believe in wasting things so will use up any old makeup products until its finished and find an alternative & I’m super sentimental with some items - I guess I see things in a way that the Avatars do!
Something I have noticed is that there really is an alternative for everything! isn't that magical!
Anyways this is very long! & For those that know me please do not feel the need to tread on eggshells around me because I have come out and said I don’t eat meat anymore - it’s been quite a while for me! & I totally get your resistance to the Vegan Movement - Change is hard! & You are free to munch whatever you like.
#akward stock check at Lush haha!
Much love - Your Little Witch X x x