* * * * Horoscope 23 April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Cancer this can make us a little withdrawn or go within ourselves a little bit today, could be a little up and down emotionally but more than anything we are very receptive today.
Today could be a day to expect unexpected news i see this as the good kind and news that may or may not reflect about the past or be in the reminiscing phase today...I also feel we are wanting to try something new, do something new and just to kind of breakfree a little bit but at the very same time there is a tug of war between responsibilities taking something seriously and our emotions.
Now in terms of love there could be hidden fears surfacing, like not living up to others expectations or fear of being disappointed, again could be slightly reflective of the past but here you need to face those fears and make sure your seeing things in the right light. Honesty is whats needed…
There are lots of opportunity if only we can get out of our comfort Zones!!
Today if i’m honest will be a slow day, a day to look at decisions we have made and if they are still the right ones for us. We have a yearning and a wanting today so ask yourself if what you want is really what you want… Because soon this will be kind of what you have so make good choices, think about things and just enjoy this very relaxed and chilled day =)
Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks