Wednesday 28 January 2015

Astrology January 28 2015

* * * * Astrology January 28 2015 * * * *

Today we have Moon finishes in Taurus and at 11pm or just before the Moon Changes into Gemini. A Moon in Gemini with everything else that is going on today and yesterday i think this could really be like...

Your running as fast as you can… But getting nowhere fast

I feel like this Gemini Moon with all the other Air qualities will just confuse the hell out you… Your mind starts to really start thinking at all aspects and all angles and you allow your own thoughts to eat away at you - seeing as it is taking place late tonight.

I mean looking at it there is a choice you need to make in regards to a relationship issue… It’s not an easy one, and not one that should or that your able to make when there is always something/someone else to think about. I feel like this choice will not only affect yourself but someone else that you care deeply for.

You need to stop thinking about what you can get or gain and start following your heart… But there is so much reflecting going on that your not coming to a conclusion fast and the longer your leaving it the worse it is becoming. I think a major thing is that your so concerned with what others think of you and the choice your going to make - friends and family alike. I said it yesterday i’ll say it again today

Stop caring for those who don’t care for you - your just giving your energy away

A Question… Are you seeing a person for who they truly are? I mean really seeing someone or is it all an illusion. Again Saturn will be testing this and as always just a warning but the truth will come out - choice wisely and all that.

Now on the positive note with relationships it can bring new romance and someone with a deeper spiritual connection… What i will say is that your 100% certain with what you want and do not settle for less. Again Saturn is testing this, and is opening doors of opportunity in this area if you are willing to take it.

I feel like this entire transit that we are in is bringing so much change but it is empowering for us to really step into this new you… Cut out those who no longer serve a purpose and give more time to those who are going to be around for the next 28-30 years of your life. This is a year of great things and it’s important your clear in where your heading and who is coming with and who your going to help along the way.

With Venus and it’s aspects to Saturn i think it can bring up the feelings of burden responsibility. You might be feeling rejected, not good enough or just in and out confused about your situation.

Know that Saturn wants you to grow and get stronger and like any bone that breaks when it’s mended it’s stronger than ever! The kind of love that you will be in over the course of the year will be a make or break kind of love.

Those that make it will be with each other for a very very very long time

The universe is certainly giving you what you want just be sure it’s really what you want

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks