Tuesday 15 August 2017



So this is a week where we shall experience a Solar Eclipse in Leo - You might already be fully aware but the Sun always shines, Just as many of the Leos in this world do, at least from sunrise to sunset, So the fact we have the MOON (dark side) blocking the Sun from doing his thing is a pretty big deal. It’s true they only happen a couple times in a year, but it’s been said for as long as time, that it was a doorway for the evil to creep into this world, almost always the ancients saw it as a warning of something sinister to happen.

Reason being is the Sun is life force energy, it’s not just the heat that keeps you warm, it helps to grow crops all in all it gives vitality. So when the sun goes dark (Eclipse) it symbolically brings a death, the Mighty Sun appears to be consumed with darkness - So the ancients would hide inside, they wouldn’t sleep out of fear of not waking, they would often pray, reflect, hope that the sky will not cave in altogether.

Now Solar Eclipses can/are powerful, especially in the Fiery Sign of Leo… Conjunct Regulus, the brightest star in the sky, that is a representation of Royalty and everything that can bring (kings in the day were ruthless, powerful, determined and ambitious- depending upon the king of course but power and control is still very much alive in today’s world). I believe we have much to learn from those who came before us, but I don’t believe them (Eclipses) to be evil but I do feel they are markers of great changes… They help you to see things that you wouldn’t of ordinarily.

I would say that this Eclipse you will be seeding something new and it might take you back or surprise you - after all the sun is hidden - so you won’t even see it coming. Now an Eclipses energy can last up to 6 months but will be felt most strongly for the next few months specifically.

Okay, so I'm gonna channel in and see how this eclipse might affect your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign as well as any additional messages for this week.

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Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Fun Zone! Need I say it but we are still in a Retrograde so not the greatest of ideas to be committing to any one thing especially when it comes to invitations, events and creative pursuits, do an Aquarius and keep it wide open… “I’ll let you know… or I’ll get back to you”

It can also bring an unexpected turn of events when it comes to your children (child or Adult) or anything that you decide to create. This could foretell the bringing of an unexpected pregnancy.

This week Aries I feel as though you're feeling a little lonely almost soul searching, thinking and awaiting some news, paperwork, correspondence of some kind.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your humble abode! So this Eclipse is ushering in an unexpected change in and surrounding your home. This could be a time where you suddenly move, a new person comes to live with you (newborn), You might decide in the next 6 Months to start a family of your own, but basically, expect the unexpected when it comes to home and family. A big change with family or the home.

Taurus this week I feel like something got you upset, I see birds chirping in the trees above you and so I feel like you have overheard something and jumped to conclusions or became reactive to something - but not all is lost.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your social life! So this Eclipse is going to suddenly change your social activity, all of a sudden more people want to talk to you, know you, email, message, facebook, Instagram you - You might decide to relocate, as there is likely to be changes within your neighbourhood or where you live.  You could decide to learn something new, or something you have been putting off that could help advance your long term goals. There could be changes within your friendship circle as well, new ones coming in and perhaps even repairing an old one.

Gemini I see you taking inventory, I feel like there is something you have stumbled upon and you're trying to keep it quiet, perhaps you have been investigating something or someone and now you're either being deceitful or you figure out someone been not so honest with you. All in all this another week of working hard or piecing something together - you certainly know more than you are letting on.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Money Sector! So this Eclipse can suddenly change your money making abilities. This can present itself in the form of an out of the blue opportunity to earn more, the family could help support you with a career plan or idea and this is a time where your values could change. Expect some kind of change when it comes to your resources in general. The old way of making money might change, or we can view it through the scope of what was once “you or yours” will change, you might start to assess what even matters to you, what you want might change, what you own might take a change.

Cancer this week I feel like there is a little bit of excitement, I feel like something has been reignited and you have the key you need to open the door you want to walk through - solutions are well within reach.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting you in your entirety. You might have an epiphany in regards to what feels like a new reality. Your outlook changes and the way you look at things changes. You might want to suddenly make a change to your appearance, be this surgery, a fitness regimen, a new hair colour or cut - reminder! Mercury is retro maybe hang on until mid-September before doing anything rash and instead focus on what you want to remove from your life to make way for this new you, new life and a new chapter.

Leo this week you are so unorganised, it feels like you have 101 things to do and you're all over the place this week. It’s time to get to work, because it seems like your cash flow is a bit all over the place as well and what with your busy schedule you could forget to pay something this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your subconscious and past. This is a time where all kinds of truths come to you, you might be feeling a little lost and wanting to escape a lot, however, this is going to be a time where you might very well be worrying or over thinking your life direction. Something just clicks and changes, and it sends you on a healing path, to release all that baggage and weight that is clogging up space in that beautiful mind of yours. It’s like the light just goes on up in there.

Virgos this week I feel a trip is in order, travel, going the distance with someone or something. I feel like something is expanding in your life, even though Mercury is retrograde I feel a lot of movement even if it is backwards in a reflective state.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your “BIG PICTURE!”. This solar Eclipse will bring an unexpected change in the form of groups and friendships as well as any kind of cause that you identify with. You might be a little more real, in terms of honesty and speaking from the emotional self. Your Vision or goals or dreams might change during this time.

Libra this week I get the feeling of grief, and as you may know, if you have been following me a while is that grief truly is just love without a place to go. I feel like something is ending or coming to a head and you're holding on to it when you need to be releasing it.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your Subscriber count! You see this eclipse is going to change your direction and anything you have been holding on to, that nagging thing that you keep just beneath the surface will come on out for all to see. The way others see you in effect will suddenly change. It’s time for you to be you and be prepared to be loved for who you are, it’s a time where those who are not in alignment with you and your mission will need to be released as you create a new following. This could be a time where you change jobs/roles.

Scorpio this week I get the sneaking suspicion that you might have a little surprise waiting for you at home. I say home but this could be a notion of your past, be it a representation of the family - but I feel a surprise coming your way this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your TRAVEL/MOVEMENT plans. There could be unexpected twists and turns when it comes to movement and travel this is a time where you experience a change of beliefs. Something that you always wanted is being presented to you in a challenging way that will require a bit of a risk to put it lightly - but the change is put on you no matter what. My advice with this is to know your rights then preach them loud for all to hear!

Sagittarius this week I feel you have a hard choice to make, one that will define the future in some way… You have two options, one will lead you to happiness the other might only be temporary, so this is the time to think long and hard. I also feel like money is on your mind. For some of you, there could be a serendipitous moment where you meet a “wealthy” love interest.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your sector of deep emotional secrets. This eclipse really will take you by surprise, this is a time of death, changes and transformations - of course, they don’t need to be physical deaths but endings to the what came before. This is a time where joint finances could also take a change. It’s a time to clear debt and get also what you're owed. A sudden desire to just clear things out. You might as well gain some sort of help or support in the same unexpected fashion - pride aside and take it!

Capricorn this week you could be tempted to visit the past, be it an old romantic interest, business venture, well the business of pleasure, remind yourself that things ended for a reason… Any hookups might leave feeling disempowered… But I see movement this week.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your RELATIONSHIP sector! This Eclipse can bring unexpected changes in regards to your intimate and more personal relationships. Be this your in an unfulfilling marriage then it could end up leading to walking away from that, or if you have been single for some time then you may desire a closer more serious relationship - you need someone now.

Aquarius this week you are at the crossroads of your destiny. You have some life changing situations starting to manifest. I see you standing there and really trying to figure out if this is enough for you and what it is that you keep coming up with.

Astrologically this Eclipse will be affecting your WORKHOUSE! There could be unexpected change when it comes to your working environment, a new set up, a change within the workplace, be it staff or the work itself. It can also bring a sudden change in regards to your health, so pay attention during the next few months. Could also be a time where you take in a new pet or adopt or take care of one why someone is away. But this is a time where you could receive a work offer. All in all, I’d say it can bring a sudden change to your priorities and your lifestyle.

Pisces This week I see relationships are your focus, be it business, romantic or friendly, I feel someone or something is coming back up for you, could be past related but it won’t be exactly expected. This could also bring up contracts and commitments too.