Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Astrology December 24 2014

****Astrology December 24 2014**** Astro for Xmas and Boxing day will be up later today

I think today with a Moon in Aquarius we are wanting nothing more than to just be free, detached from everything but as it is conjunct Mars i think it can make us very spontaneous and maybe we could even be very open with someone or about something.

There is also a great deal going on with our minds which is also why i think things could get intense and thats because we want to get to the bottom of things our mind is stuck on something, someone or a situation and you need to get to the bottom of things - could make some anxious energy here.

There is something that could again be revealed today if it has not happened yet for you… We have just started a new chapter in our life, whether thats a move, a change of job or just a change in direction or views - This has not happened for 28 years so this is a big change and maybe some of you have not even experienced this kind of a change before.

Unusual opportunities could make there way to you today… A lot should be revealed and there is an excitable energy around - you have quick emotional responses so you spontaneous side when it comes to emotions could really surprise people.

In terms of relationships you know what it is that you want but at the same time you're not willing to give up your freedom and the life you have recently created over the months prior. There is a tug of war motion taking place because you want something serious in love but at the same time you're resistant to making compromises and maybe you even think you can have it both ways - but with this Saturn in Sagittarius let me tell you… It’s not possible - Saturn will break down anything that is not authentic and present you with what you deserve it’s not one to give for the sake of giving - not if there is something you need to learn

The is Much being illuminated from within today and the need to set things in motion, to understand something and to try and push for what you want. There could be a time earlier in the day where your heart and mind are on the same page but as the day progresses it’s important to see through situations or things for what is real and authentic to you.

Pay attention to the signs again today, i don’t think they will be quite as clear as in previous days but there are clues and answers being given if your truly open to seeing them.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Astrology December 23 2014

Astrology December 23 2014

Today will be intense purely because of Saturn changing signs into Sagittarius - I’ll get into that in a bit. I think today will reveal a lot of things maybe even it will reveal to others who you really are beneath the surface. Perhaps even something you wouldn’t usually share could come up today… I also get the notion of doing whatever it takes to achieve the goals you want and especially in relationships.

We still have five planets in the Sign of Capricorn, i won’t go into as much detail as yesterday but brief it for you… We are starting to or should now be in a place where we are looking at relationships, passions and loves in a way that has prospects. I mean we have things surfacing, and the need to analytically pull it apart piece by piece to fully understand and plan ahead and at the very same time our emotions and feelings are in alignment with it also.  I see an ending but also a new beginning maybe even a fresh start for some.

There could very well be some stress around how you feel and i think there could be some surprising, out of the blue or even unexpected news or feeling stir up from within you. You're looking for something extraordinary, yet you want freedom at the same time you want closeness and this type of confusion needs adjusting so you can feel fulfilled.

To add a little more into the mix i think some are being a little selfish or are acting without thinking. Again without repeating my self there is a need to compromise with what you want and what you're willing to give.

On a spiritual level i think we are 100% capable of tapping into that intuition to gain some deep inner awareness of what will make us the happiest and our mind for once is on the same page.

Please read over yesterdays Astrology if you would like to know more about the above… Now moving onto Saturn the Planet of change as it changes signs into sagittarius.

Can you feel a change yet? You will feel the shift more when the Moon Changes signs tomorrow into Aquarius…

Okay so Saturn is a game changer, it brings enormous amounts of change at a slow and steady pace, it’s a Planet of transformation and lessons but it always brings big blessings. Now i’m not going to lie Saturn doesn’t like to be in Sagittarius because it’s too optimistic and it’s bigger than Saturn as Sagittarius is ruled over by Jupiter the Planet of expansion and gains.

I think the next 3 years will be so transformational that by the end of it you will hardly recognise your self, the change will come in the place that it sits in your birth chart. But for now i think your views, beliefs, career among a few will be upgrading making you wiser and bringing a lot of positivity into your lives.
There is a need today though, to look at your life as it is, and stop wishing or wanting it to be different as the change will come in all due time but it’s important to keep your focus on the positive and right here and now is all we have so find the joy within it. There is also a need to know your self worth and to know that you what you want is totally possible to achieve and you will but Saturn does want you to learn something he never gives for the sake of giving only when you earnt it will you receive the amazing reward.

Going back to the Summer i think a lot of us went into a behaviour of being the status quo, doing what was expected of us and how our friends saw us and to kind of be that even if it was not who we truly were. I see that there is a stress or a regret brewing here as now what’s done is done and you want something back… Although if you're an Aquarius (because i’m talking about Planet Uranus) i think you so stuck in your head, maybe you're acting without thinking and so you won't tap into this or understand this because you're not in tune with who you are. You could be being impulsive and charging ahead - but there is going to be much change for you also - don’t let it take you by surprise.

I think a lot of us are guarding our emotions from others - maybe feeling a little cautious but nethertheless wanting to sort out problems that do arise in close relationships/partnerships.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks