This week is the Week of the New Moon in the relational sign Libra at the potent 26 degrees meaning it is conjunct Spica (a lucky and success and wealth bringing star). It does oppose Uranus so expect a sudden turn of event that can bring something new as a result.
Remember Sunday is the last day that you can get your Future insight reading within 3 days instead of 13 days (you can still get a reading within 3 days but there will be a rush order fee of £5/$7).
Okay on with this Week | Please check your Sun, Moon & Rising (ASC) Sign for more well-rounded reading for the Week.
Overview for all Fire Signs
In general, I feel as though you guys should be seeing improvements to your health and working situation. “Recovery” comes to mind. Perhaps this is the time to start something and watch for long-lasting results.
ARIES | For you I believe that there could've been something that you have been neglecting, and now you have to deal with that - no more putting it off. That or argument over the past or past lovers.
LEO |For you I am sensing movement at home, moving stuff around, people coming and going, looking at a new home or new stuff for the home.
SAGITTARIUS| For you I feel there is a happy visit coming up for you guys, or someone coming to visit. I also feel there could be improvements with money or at least money to purchase something you want this week.
The overall message for the earth Signs
For all you Earth Signs I am seeing an expense perhaps to do with friends or pets, I feel it be a lucky catch because they are saying if you were to wait it out it would have cost you more - so an expense but you will catch it in time.
TAURUS | I am seeing a break for you guys, some of you might be taking a break from a friendship, love or some other passion of yours this week. Or it could be something/someone suddenly coming into your life this week.
VIRGO| I feel you are clearing the air to something that was buried. I feel a positive outcome to an old argument, finally, a recovery from an old ongoing situation. So arguments should end on a positive note.
CAPRICORN |For you I feel like you will discover something new this week. Perhaps this is you going to visit a place you have never been before or if there are no plans maybe you get a brand new work opportunity.
The overall message for all
I feel that you Air signs could be experiencing the love this week and I feel some of you might even be propositioned. Someone is sharing feelings nonetheless.
GEMINI | I feel like you guys might be researching this week, be it for work or health or just trying to better understand something you heard. Someone could be saying stuff about you involving work.
LIBRA |Okay you guys I actually feel being as we have a Magical New Moon in your sign that this is the start of a wish coming true, a true new beginning.
AQUARIUS | I feel like you guys might have a change of friendships, meeting a new friend on the road or your going to visit a friend. A Change.
The overall message for all
I feel like you water signs are going to be uncovering or discovering something, either about yourself or something that will open up things for you. Tapping into your untapped potential.
CANCER |For you I feel like this is involving some big/important visit, you’re going somewhere or staying somewhere this week. Something bigger is happening though as a result.
SCORPIO | You guys could be connecting to your past, or childhood in some way this week or finding out the truth about something.
PISCES | I feel like you guys are attending something, going somewhere you might actually feel like not coming back. Finding something that anchors you to the point of not returning.