Friday 6 March 2015

Horoscope Friday 07 March 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 06 March 2015 * * * *
Okay so we still have the Moon in Virgo for pretty much the entire day before he pops over to Libra (early morning) the sign of relationships. I think with this energy it should be a little easier than yesterdays, the tug of war action between what you want and what you need will gentle wear off as the day progresses. This is the only sort of aspect when it comes to our emotions and feelings so it should be a rather pleasant day.

What is interesting is that there are opportunities that arise when you dig a little deeper. You know what you want and your able to get if if you take the right action - remember we have been talking about finding new ways to act and clearing out old ways of thinking and acting. Here i believe that there is a change but we are now stepping towards what that means for us.

What is highlighted today is that relationships, the stem of new ones also are expanding, the doorways are opening up and as we approach the weekend this will bring people into our life. Again as there is uranus there is might be under unusual and unexpected circumstances/ways.

Jupiter is giving opportunities it’s expanding the way the see things, look at things and the ways in which to take action. Here we have  as well some slight positive go ahead from the Sun so it really is highlighting your relationships and how to take action. What’s coming in is going to different and exciting but you will still need to put the work in.

Movement, change and a great time when new relationships could really start to blossom and take off. Just ensure that your thinking long term happiness as opposed to right now in the moment happiness - get it clear in your own mind.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks