Wednesday 27 May 2015

Wednesday's Horoscope May 27 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 27 May 2015 * * * *
The Moon will finish up in the sign of Virgo and move over into Libra, whenever one sign finished and another begins i always find the energy a little weird, it’s a merging and a shift in focus almost especially being as it is the Moon that we are talking about which rules over our emotions, we all have them some people are more attuned to them than others.

I think we are certainly coming to understand certain things today, in link to whatever has being playing out for you so far during this retrograde. I still feel like Relationships are a huge focus point in this! There is some form of healing and letting go which is great because we can maybe utilize our time now to plan where we are heading or at least deciding upon what it is we value and want in life, relationships, work ect.

When the Moon moves over into Libra late tonight i do think we are wanting to just relax, enjoy and be very harmonised… So i’ll say it now, with Mars the planet of aggression, impulse and fight is dead on top of Mercury in the sign of Gemini - WATCH what you say today! Try not to cause an upset because later on you may regret it. Can even switch off your filter and you might blurt something that you didn’t mean to or say something indirectly about the past.

There is still a needing to bring what you have learnt into it, doors are opening up but watch how your going about it. Try not to act without seeing the long term effect of what your saying or doing. I still see a lot of tension, lots of things still surfacing but i do think we are coming to grips with things just that Gemini energy can cause a stir when we are scattered and not thinking long term.

Join me later for the Wednesday Night Giveaway - 7pm UK British time. 2 x FREE MINI Readings only on my Facebook

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks