Monday 11 May 2015

Monday's Horoscope May 11 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 11 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon will pretty much finish up in the Sign of Aquarius, so you can expect our feelings/Emotions to still be a little detached in some ways and looking at things from unusual ways, or ways that you wouldn’t usually. However today there is a lot of tension in terms of how we feel and working out what’s next for us.

Things have kind of come to a completion, this could be a work project, relationship, place, person… We are now looking at or more feeling torn between two options, could be more of an internal struggle or needing to find a balance but there is an opportunity to come from this situation be that what it will…

We need to ensure we are truly seeing things from the heart, in the right way and are going to make the right choices for the long term future. It appears for a lot of people sudden things could of took place, surprised us even and with those things comes a need to think ahead rather than “oh crap i need to do something right now about it”

Mars the Planet of Action, drive and passion is now in Gemini, which can put a CAPITAL C in CRAZY times… It’s a fun energy but when you look at the astrology it can come across as impulsive almost looking for quick fixes and lots kind of going on = Scattered energy!! Now it is exciting energy i just urge you to look at things and don’t rush into things if you can.

Communication is also speeding up, but more surfacy and borderline superficial in ways because it’s not looking into the details… However Mercury does do well in it’s own sign Gemini, it can make for us to get carried away with an idea but can also make it hard for us to concentrate on one thing for too long, we get bored and want to express and do things… What with Mars so close by.

I think we are all still quite internal even if it doesn't seem like it, so still lessons to learn from the past and choices to make on the results of what we are discovering and thinking about.

So look at your current situation, then see if there are/is anything that is reoccuring from the past, in relationships, work or otherwise… Then figure out what you need to do to rectify this situation… One thing's for sure Saturn wants you to learn, so learn the lesson and make a choice and Saturn will reward you… Same goes for Pluto he wants you to look deeper and make a change somewhere and break an old habit.

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks