Saturday 28 February 2015

Weekend Horoscope - 28/02 & 1/03 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 28 February 2015 * * * *

Moon in Cancer still as we get into the weekend so as i was saying yesterday this can make us sensitive to situations that will occur this weekend. This weekend will bring a catalyst of change as it gives hard aspects to Venus(relationships) MArs (desires) and the extreme Uranus/Pluto SQUARE.

Now also over the past few days been talking about the South Node of the Moon… I have seen it come up in every reading I’ve done for over the past 2 weeks , and i think this is heading up to the climax of the Pluto/Uranus.

We could be reminded of past relationships, significant things that happened 2012-2015 baring in mind the south node sitting with Uranus (change/unexpected things), Venus (love), Mars (desire) and the fact all this is aspecting Pluto the planet of transformation/death and rebirth expect the unexpected and expect change.

There is also something that will sprinkle a little positivity on the situation... maybe receiving some clarity.  Still it will come from unexpected sources and may take you by surprise.

What's occurring is the need to break old habits old relationship cycles and the change will happen suddenly. What with this south node it is cutting loose ties and there will new powerful things coming in...

I promise this will be the end of this transition with only going back one final time to revisit when Saturn goes retrograde back into scorpio... After that I doubt we will see it again in this lifetime it's a pivotal moment.

Jupiter will positively aspect Uranus which does highlight positive breakthroughs when it comes to relationships, although old issues from 6 months ago could resurface back from the summer, there is a chance to break old habits and get clarity and understanding and truth.

I think Saturday will be challenging for most with lots of change and odd things, situations and emotions rising... This will climax up until 17th March easing off by the bringing the powerful eclipse.

It could also indicate meeting someone new in unexpected ways or someone taking you by surprise also. As you know Pluto brings things to the surface, to expose the truth, then kills it but then brings the birth of something new. As Uranus is positively aspecting jupiter expect something unexpected.
Without repeating myself ensure you walk through new doorways when it comes to relationships, taking action don't be afraid to try something new. I think also we need to stop thinking about what satisfy us now and think longer term,  bigger picture and a higher perspective....

The next 28-30 years is a long time and I'm 99% certain the opportunity will be long gone. Think what will bring you the most happiness in the long run... and ease into it.

On Sunday the Moon will focus on exposing the truth and again this could be processing Saturday and seeing the truth and clarity of a situation. Be honest with yourself and pay attention to how you feel

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks