Monday 15 September 2014

Breathing - The Cure for all

Breathing - The Cure for all
Breathing is something i learnt when i began to meditate... & it was mastered when i started Yoga! - I realize this sounds totally WEIRD - But it's true...

I used to suffer from intense anxiety and breathing really can change your state of being - It teaches us to be in the now, & to know right now you have the power to change how you feel, the power to change your future... So JUST BREATHE - slowly - deeply - Watch the change it has upon you  <3 Nothing is as scary or as bad as it seems in the moment


Astrology Monday

Today in astrology we are starting to see a very rare occurrence be triggered - We have cleared a lot of karmic debt/issues & are being given a message or clarity from the universe. We have fixed, repaired or are now ready to step into this new energy that is coming.  New doors are opening, have opened already & there is a lot of energy as everything is shifting.

Today you will feel excited for the day although you might be a little all over place and scattered. Today going into tomorrow - Last quarter moon we have finally gotten over whatever it is that you have been trying to fix and stepping into new waters.A big light is about to turn on and we need to be absolutely clear, serious, about what it is we want/are manifesting… Are you Aligning with what you truly want deep down.