Tuesday 20 January 2015

Astrology 20 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 20 2015 * * * *

Today as the Sun is now in Aquarius followed by a New Moon today it really is a page turner. Today we should start to feel more free, breaking away from anything that has kept us bound up in the past months.

The New Moon always brings a better energy, I myself am glad for this pleasant change… It’s a time where a lot of us will be reinventing our self, gaining more like minded friends. I think what is key, and i know i must sound like a broken record, i just think if i say it enough maybe at least 50% of the people reading this might actually think about what i say - Are we on the right path to following our dream, on a path that brings happiness into our life, are we in good relationships

The energy has been pretty hit or miss over the past months and i promise a Saturn in Sagittarius will bring blessings if only we are being authentic with our self. So if your in a relationship that makes you feel confined, trapped or controlled i think you should prepare for that to change - Aquarius hates to be controlled and told what to do… So i hope this will be the last test for all you in relationships.

Talking relationships this could bring someone new into your life, someone exciting, initiative and unlike someone you have met or would go out with before… Just be sure you are both on the same page… Mercury will go retrograde so things are not quite as they seem, just enjoy it and expect that after February 11th things could change, end or develop in to something a little different than how it started off.

I think that today is a great day in the astrology, its a day to think about where we are heading and make solid goals and move towards them. things are really going to start changing so watch this space.

Try to get your head clear over today and tomorrow as Mercury will be going retrograde, which has a nasty habit to cause confusion, delays and mixed communication - I myself can already feel this energy… It just slows things down and with a Moon in Gemini - i’m quite quick thinking… So if your an Air sign you could find this a little more frustrating than the other signs as things are not happening quite as quick as we would like.

So Enjoy today folks! Enjoy this shiny new chapter as the page has turned over finally… What will you be creating!!!??? =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks