Saturday 13 December 2014

Astrology for the weekend DECEMBER 13+14 2014

Astrology December weekend 13 + 14 2014

Throughout Saturday for sure you might find that your emotions are a little confusing. On one side we are trying hard to be more rational with our emotions but things keep surfacing that can make us a little deep or bring things to the surface.

I think relationships could really start to push forward, and that you're starting to accept matters of the heart not so intensely. You're able to see, accept and know now what you want and that is how things start to move ahead or start up. . .

I think there is a need to also be more consistent with acting upon emotions, because you're torn between how you feel and if you should act, i think the universe is pushing you to make the move and act upon how you feel.

When it does come to matters of the heart i think we have been mulling a lot over, maybe even over thinking instead of just going with the flow and listening to the heart. It could even indicate the thinking and putting plans into action, things could get a little strange i think as we have an opportunity from planet neptune. Pay attention to the signs - seeing as we are in the sign of Sagittarius ruled by lucky planet Jupiter except some advancements in love… New doors opening and spiritual connects being made here too.

It’s an amazing weekend for communication so be sure to express, mingle and have those interesting convos this weekend.

In the early evening on Saturday we do have a tug of war action going on from what we want and how we feel - we maybe wanting someone to be a little more of someone else… The universe wants you to accept things and express your self. DON’T Go getting yourself stressed out this weekend - there will be tests and challenges but also a lot of excitement to be had.

Something out of the blue could leave you with a decision to make today… You might find yourself confused as to why something keeps cropping up, or something making you feel a certain way… Unusual things, people or situations can leave you feeling a little at odds with yourself.

unexpected outcomes come from taking action and making the first move today… You're asked to find new ways of taking action and it may well work to your advantage this weekend.

Saturn will still be bringing obstacles and tests to you this weekend but only because it wants our to learn from your mistakes and give you something greater and something that will align with something you want on a deeper level.


Sunday will be a trying day… But that there is still lots of positivity around yet there are still some choices or decisions needing to be made from within.

It will be hard for your mind and emotional mind or emotions to find peace… I think that there are some of us who want to be nothing more than a free spirit and the thought of being ‘’tied down’’ is terrifying to say the least… But at the same time you are wanting that with someone now - there is stress and tension because you can not make your mind up… opportunities are coming to an end here, but there will be others - but will there be others like this one, the one you have/had - thats what you will be thinking… And quite right in doing so because you know you have/had something unique… In comes that life lesson - the opportunity is there and the choice is yours this weekend.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks