Thursday 19 March 2015

Thursday's Horoscope March 19 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 19 March 2015 * * * *
Okay lets talk the obvious and get back to my Moon Phase routes =) Today is the Dark Moon, It always happens a day before the New Moon, and New Moon brings fresh things, New Things and what with a Solar eclipse happening here tomorrow morning - extra juice extra emphasis being made.

I see this energy as a fated time, whether or not you believe in a God, universal signs or spirit whatever you call it today is a day of divine guidance. A Dark Moon is a Closing and its happening in the Sign of Pisces which to add is the Psychic sign, a spiritual sign and what with Mercury here will not be able to make rational/logical sense of it, there is no logic - it just is what it is… It’s the Ending.

I Say ending because A its a Dark Moon, B its in the end of Pisces, C the New Moon/Solar Eclipse falls on the Spring equinox (New beginnings), D Sun Moves into Aries which is the beginning… It all adds up that whatever happens today is meant to… Do not try so hard, do not force things that don’t fit… Today we will be asked to be authentic and i really do not think it is something we can hide or should hide… It’s only going to make it harder for yourself.

If i’m being honest the universe over the next few weeks will be bringing in new people it will be aligning you with the right people… But right now things are not working in relationships and today very well could be the ending of some of the ones we have. Not for all… But you know if your happy in your current one, you know if it’s going to work, you know how you feel and today you have no ego! It’s being torn away so you can make a good honest choice and align with the right someone.


Stop being something your not, this old you is not you, stop pleasing everyone around you and be who you came here to be, who you want to be and who you really are. Maybe today you will be seeing your true self. It’s the Closing and a new day will be dawning - Kinda Major in the Astro today!

You want to push forward, but you cannot until you deal with the past, the past wounds, things that no longer serve you… Things have surfaced and you cannot move forward until those things are dealt with.

Don’t know about you but i’m actually real excited for this New Start! Opportunity are coming and they will be great ones but first you must close some up from the past.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks