Monday 12 January 2015

Taurus - Ascendant or Sun Sign - 02


What it means to be a Taurus Sun Sign or Ascendant Sign in Astrology...

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign Taurus or Taurus Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!


Taurus is the second sign in the Zodiac, it’s the toddler of the Zodiac it rules over the throat area, second house and it’s ruling planet is Venus. To be a Taurus you would have to be born on and in between April 20th - May 20th.

Like a toddler you guys are very expressive individuals, you love to play and be creative and use your voice. You guys like things to be slow and steady, you like to find your own way and feel really uncomfortable being thrown in the deep end - you don’t do well with change you like to know where you're going and be given time to see how you feel about things - things need to progress in the right time.

Ruling over the throat area you people often lose your voice more so than other signs, this is because of two things- On the spiritual side you're not one for rocking the boat you love peace and harmony so you tend to bottle up how you really feel if at first when you express your self and it doesn't go down well. Two it’s that you use your voice more so that the other signs , i know this may sound a little weird as we all speak but a taurus uses there voice to get them where they need to be in career - communicating and networking is important for these guys and they are masters of it.

Being Ruled by Venus makes you popular by far, every one wants a taurus friend, they are beautiful, dependable, protective and fun to be around and you make people feel special and super lucky that your their friend. Saying that, Taurus only have a small group of friends and so makes them very selective about who they choose.

They love admiration and need to be liked.

They are not ones to be fully open with people that takes time for them to trust and allow people in but when they do it’s for ever. By this i mean they grow attached to people over time and the bond deepens with it.

Taurus are very likable people, everything about them draws you in… They all have something that appeals to everyone. They are usually attractive pleasing on the eye and wonderful to be around. They have impeccable taste, take pride of how they look not to mention charming and charismatic.
Taurus although often get labeled as materialistic really are not - they have the desire to feel secure and so they like to indulge once and while. They love to feel comfortable and to feel like what they do can really sustain them. These guys love to feel cosy!! They love to feel pampered and would sometimes prefer a night in with a bottle of wine, good food, a movie and a bubble bath with candles than a night out on the town. They love the feeling of feeling at home.

Saying that Taurus people tend to be big on family time. These people love to feel nurtured and will often nurture and splurge out on the ones they love. They love beautiful things and are quite physical people. These People are down to earth and genuinely nice guys.

Career is important to a Taurus, they need stability in their life and they are not happy if they are not secure materially. They are not like an Aries in the way they are impulsive, a Taurus will be slow and calculative of his moves in career and often there networking helps elevate them.

Now they are not lazy although can become comfortable, they are very hardworking people and always rise in their career. Being driven, creative and talented sometimes they strive for a job that pays the bills but if only they actually follow their passion they can make a lot more from it.

Unlike the Aries the Taurus does often follow passion more often than not and do very well in their chosen field. Taurus are always successful - or annoyingly GREAT at something - and be very modest and humble about it.

Jobs that would suit an Aries
Executive - Architect - makeup artist - graphic designer - finance - sports -music - designer - Actors - creative fields - agriculture -

Physically Taurus are built to last they have a strong stature. Guys can be a little on the short side, stocky, neck and shoulders are strong yet they can also have an air of elegance or class about them.

Taurus of the slightly darker side

Taurus value honesty - now they can make exceptionally good liars but if they care about you they would never ever lie to you - in fact it would eat away at them and they just couldn’t do it.

They do not like confrontation they like things to be harmonious and so they can sometime hope that things go away instead of facing them head on. They can be some what defensive, they kind of state there viewpoint and quickly brush it off as they don’t want to have to justify, or get into things that could lead to a fight or an argument.

They can be full of conversation if something is of mutual interest to them and if it doesn’t they remain very vague/ bored.
Like the Aries these guys are stubborn and they will not do something they do not want to do… What make them different to an Aries is the fact they have patience and it takes a lot to rattle them, but if you don’t back off and keep on keeping on they will see red and boy you better run ahaha…

dont play with the bull you will get the horns

Advice for a Taurus

You play it safe too often and it’s time you get out there are showcase your talents. When a Taurus embraces their fears they attract so much to them… Another thing Taurus don’t get too comfortable keep things exciting and interesting - keep striving you're able to achieve so much more!

If you know a Taurus or you are a Taurus, Sun sign or Ascendant sign please comment below letting me know how well i did and please give a share

Many thanks and remember you're not just your sun sign and please do not take anything i said to heart.

Astrology January 12 2015

* * * * Astrology January 12 2015 * * * *

Good Morning All! So it’s here the day of Change as another Major Planet changes signs as i spoke of briefly during the weekend Mars in now in Pisces.

Now with the Sun in Capricorn wanting us to stay on track and keep moving towards our goals today could be a bit all over the place. I think men could feel a little indifferent today maybe a lot more sensitive than usual - This is because Mars rules over Men its a very masculine Planet and is now sitting in dreamy, sensitive and intuitive Pisces.

This could empower women and help them find ways to move forward but for the male species try to be kind to them today they are not used to this (depending upon their chart) and could really be feeling the pressure and coming in touch with how they feel and a lot coming to the surface.

Moon in Libra focusing on relationships will not like this up and down energy as she like to feel harmony and balance - above all else she does not want confrontation.

With the Moon Square Uranus thing which has been going on and off for months now still playing out in the background - I think this can cause a stir in your emotions…

This is because you finally thought you had it all worked out, you knew what you wanted and things started to feel good, happy and balance…

- which was because Sun in Capricorn helped you detach emotionally so you could focus on your career/life where you're heading -

Now you're real emotions are surfacing and something keeps playing over in your mind , now you feel confused as if you made the right choice but what you think you want and what you want are out of balance in fact they could contradict themselves…

Have you been burying your emotions?

I think there is definitely something positive to come from today and there are always opportunities to be had - just ensure your looking at things from a higher perspective, and without sounding like i’m repeating myself you need to live in the now but think long term - What’s brought you happiness in the short term might not be the best thing for you…

Now look at all your options not just the one that is right in front of you - there is a doorway of opportunity to have you needs met with the right kind of person - one that doesn’t indulge you to carry on with bad habits but one that believe in your talents enough to inspire you to do something about it.

Conversations need to be had but do not demand of force things because we are all still trying to work out how we really feel and that confusion is enough without the pressure that we could also be adding.

It says to not act so impulsively, to think before you take action but at the same time you need to not take too long about it because today highlights the need to find balance and timing is everything.  

I also think the majority having been so convinced of just getting their mind straight could resist this energy and even battle with their emotions and how they feel.

Ultimately the universe is trying very much to get us to take control and grow up a little bit, take responsibility for how you feel, stop feeling like a victim - only you control where you place your thoughts and energy.

It’s time that if you want something/someone in your life you're going to need to be a little more serious and find an appropriate way to take action.

Here comes the indecision, you feel torn between heart and mind and which road you take is yours to make… Do not rush in but do not take too long as everything expires and this window will not be open forever.

This energy could really make you not want to do anything, it could make you want to go within your self or do whatever it takes for you not to feel a certain way… Mars in Pisces for a guy could be a little too much so try to be sensible fellas, don’t drink too much, over indulge in things that you know deep down will only cause you more pain.

You could find it hard to resist something that you now suddenly want and infact even if you don’t physically indulge them you might be inclined to with words.

Today is a day where anything could happen (uranus), in fact if you can get the timing right, opportunities you take will bring a favourable result to you - but i’m not so sure many of us will feel ready to do this and you really do need to think on it.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks