Friday 12 December 2014

Astrology December 12 2014

Astrology December 12 2014

We could start today being made aware of our feelings, certainly the past day or two we have got illuminated upon how we really feel or some emotional aspect could of been playing on our minds.

Now by mid afternoon the Moon will move into Virgo and i think here it is making us do something about how we feel… We may be wanting control or structure in whatever is going on today and a Virgo Moon is the perfect time to achieve that. It could however bring up a feeling of practicality rather than getting immersed in your emotions.

I think in terms of relationships we have a lot of practical energy around them… We have Venus in the now serious sign of Capricorn - don’t get me wrong capricorn can be very passionate however it’s clear that you now know what you want, how to get it and you're making progress and plans in getting there… But it’s more in a practical and business like way instead of a romantic way. You also have the sign of intellect here adding to this energy making your actions very calculated emotionally.

Although you want to just get stuck into the here and now, i feel you're being asked still to look at the bigger picture, remember the other day you really was able to see who and how people really feel about you and how you do with others.

Late, Late tonight we maybe be again torn in whether or not to take action because we are certainly being pushed in doing so but Mars the Planet of action and will in the sign of detached and unusual Aquarius can mean unusual action if any could take place today. It could also point to strategic type of action where the motives are hidden netherless i think you will be surprise by what you can do or how you react to things today.  

How you think and feel should be in alignment and harmony today Virgo energy certainly helps with this. But there is the need for organisation and things to be a certain way… So do not get stressed or upset when they don’t go to plan.

Now what is really funny is that the Lesson bringing, strict, transformational Saturn is causing stress and tension in Planets of positivity… I think that the universe really wants you to look at the bigger picture, are you doing things, acting upon things that are true to you, are you aligning with what you know is right for you on a deeper level or just what’s right for you on a material level. I think there will be signs, tests and obstacles today… Nothing too alarmed at but it is just ensuring you are clear about what you want. Just over a week and Saturn will release it’s restrictional energy… But there is still transformation to be had.

Enjoy life as it is and not how you want it to be and learn to accept yourself a little more, know that you deserve and will get what you want in life but step out of the self doubt and get to work.

Venus conj Pluto
I think today your subscious it trying to push it’s way up and out so that you can see what it is that your feeling, but with all this practical energy you may be more inclined to rationalise it all in an attempt for order and structure. I think it can point to the death of a relationship and the birth of a new one… I think you know what it is that you want it’s more about aligning yourself with your heart as opposed to your wallet and what you can get from another person. It’s almost like you're just trying to power ahead without thinking too much about the emotional side.

To finish up i think there could very well be an opportunity to connect or reconnect with someone that you have a deep link/connection to. The signs are all there - It could be the start of something new… Bare in mind today there is a focus upon emotions and feelings and Capricorn (Venus) likes to deal with one thing at a time with Virgo (moon/emotions) wanting to be practical it could be a slow process today but there is some magic happening behind the scenes

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks