Friday, 24 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Okay, So firstly yes technically the Eclipse is over but the Moon (emotions/feelings) is still in Scorpio so that energy is lingering on and it’s still very deep stuff going on.  Also this weekend we have the Sun and Venus following each other in Scorpio which will highlight relationships. IT will be very deep and intense, well because it’s scorpio and scorpio does what scorpio does best… Which is diving deep, getting to the root of the matter at hand, hidden things get brought to the surface and it’s about brutal honesty also - to name but a few.

I feel like with the Moon on friday in Scorpio will help you go deep within yourself and bring a lot of light to a lot things that are hidden within you. I know that sounds a little cryptic but sometimes we go on auto and shut emotions off, we do not fully pay attention all the time in how we feel and choose to suppress certain things because we feel it is both easier and will bring about more peace in the long term. So today try to research a lot of your feelings and be honest with yourself about a lot of things. To really see what the message has been for you during this eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks prior.

Mercury is about to go direct (goodbye retrograde) coming into the weekend also on the 25th… So Friday is the last day of internal processing as the logic and intellect gets switched back on and can battle out this Scorpio energy.
We have the Sun and Venus Conjuncting and the last time this exact conjunction happened was in March 2013 - So really look back to that time and see what occurances happened in regards to relationships. I think this weekend will be very intense when it comes to relationships.

Saturday Mercury goes direct so we are coming out of this 3 week long period of being taken internally, and questioning what’s going on in your life, and with Mercury direct you will now be able to see what is going on with all this.
Mars is on it’s last weekend of being in Sagittarius and being all positive and mars comes into capricorn on Sunday which it loves to be here by the way, it really will be about climbing that mountain with these new goals and new drive towards things.

I think the deepest of the weekend will be Friday and saturday in terms of internal inward thinking and the moon will cross over Saturn on Saturday - This means we are looking at where things stand where are we being blocked, and there is a lot to get to the bottom of i feel, and 9/10 we are the blocks preventing instead of going with it, flowing with the current instead of opposing it… I think it’s about looking at what’s not allowing us to connect in relationship matters and in general and it’s about allowing the feelings to surface, letting it all out and seeing things truly.

It’s a unique weekend surrounded by Karma and destiny in terms of relationships, getting to the bottom of things and feeling good about yourself - a lot of questions will be answered this weekend. Along with some big decisions to be made on Saturday also.

Moon will come into Sagittarius late saturday night into Sunday which will really open things up for everyone - Sagittarius is a sign of great wisdom and knowledge. There might be a little spiritual insight if you're open to such things as it will square Neptune - if you're not open to that side of life it can maybe bring about some fantasy which could maybe create a little confusion.

It will be a very intense Karmic weekend and as we work through all these things mentioned above i feel things might start to settle and those questions have been answered and we are able to move forward in the coming days after the Sunday.

Try to keep moving do not get suck and remain still during this time, know that there are a lot of things up in the air right now and it is about knowing that what will be will be, it’s meant to happen like this with all this karmic stuff going on… Know that all you can do is see ahead and keep positive, be courageous and strive for all that you want if it is in your best interest you will get it, if you're strong enough and willing to fight for it - the energy is in motion so just keep things afloat do the work and you will see how this weekend plays out

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Mystery Cards October 24 2014