Monday 23 February 2015

Monday's Horoscope - ALL SIGNS - FEB 23 2015

* * * * Horoscope 23 February 2015 * * * *

Moon in Taurus today and being that Taurus rules over Venus i think that this is indicating our relationships and becoming more grounded within them and where we are heading.

I mean if we really look at the astrology today what with Mars and Venus conjunct simply meaning combining their energies as one it points to some big things and seeing if we are really investing in the right stuff, people and situations.

I do feel that today will highlight some big lesson, big choice or responsibility that might cause a bit of tension as you want things to be free and flighty to just enjoy things as they are - Yet Saturn wants to teach you a lesson or bring you back down to earth. Maybe we are or have been a little over sensitive lately.

I do feel like the conversation we might have to have is difficult to have yet it’s the one that needs to be had!

I think it’s a powerful day for communicating also it’s just saying are you aligning correctly with your emotions are you being true to what you want emotionally or are you thinking more logically. I think we need to get out of the little details and look at the bigger picture here.

I think with both Mars and Venus being this close and coming together the way that they are is so powerful that in all honesty this is making people come together as they are both are positively aspecting Saturn and Mercury and yet at the same time there is something stopping you - Here comes the “Making a Mountain out of a Molehill senerario”

What are you so afraid of? You know what you want, yet your holding back and there is a powerful force pulling you and guiding you towards what you you want. So confusing with all this magical energy - yet we are quick to dismiss that which we know within to be true.

Happy Monday to all - Today try to really see things from a long term/higher perspective. Big things are happening are you allowing them or trying to force or control something different to happen.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks