Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Astrology January 21 2015 - Mercury Retrograde!!

* * * * Astrology January 21 2015 * * * *

Today is the day… Mercury goes Retrograde!!! and did i mention it’s in an Air SIGN Aquarius!!! So why does that matter you ask? Well Mercury ruling Planet of an Air Sign and Air signs always get thrown off more than other signs in a Mercury retrograde.

Let’s explain - Mercury rules over technology, intellect and the mind in terms of rational thinking. During a Mercury retrograde (we get four a year) it delays things, slows things down, makes us reflect and it screws up communication. By Screws up i meant people get mixed messages, these are often mix communications, texts, emails and the mail always gets delayed and technology goes off on one in general.

A perfect example and something that will help me explain and is totally weird!!! It’s Snowing on a Mercury retrograde exactly as it is stepping into a retrograde… For those that live in the UK you will know what i mean when i say -EVERYTHING comes to a stop when it snows in the UK! Doesn’t it? I mean the british just do not know how to deal with a little snow…

So a Mercury retrograde is like snow in England.

Now we also have a Moon in Aquarius today also so i feel the universe really wants us to pay attention to how we are feeling - Aquarius is known for his ever so detached emotions so this could be tricky for some. With the Sun in Aquarius we are certainly starting to think a little differently, there is lots to look at and consider and options and decisions although Aquarius you greedy little sod, you want it all and you may find yourself wanting to disconnect then connect to something else… The Moon can help guide your mind if you allow it to today.

Now don’t think that because we are in an Air sign that we are going to be all over the place… We are not - I think it’s more about paying attention to how we feel, what we are being shown, and looking over the information that we are receiving. Aquarius although is very changeable they do become fixed on things, as in he knows what he wants and becomes completely plugged into that energy, thing, person but when he loses interest he jumps off to something else… I mean by now we should know what it is we want! Sun in Capricorn has helped us out there - so it is just about being true to our self and moving into this new chapter even if we feel it is a little foggy and slow to begin with - Things will become clearer around the 11th or there after, and really move forward within the next month.

In relationships i think it changes things up, you might of felt things were moving in a certain way… Then it goes another. It’s a weird day for relationships we need to learn to change the way we express our self, it’s an odd day with relationships. Do not push, think and i think you still have things you need to decide on in relationships. But are you strong enough to take action up it?  -hmm… i am not so sure to be perfectly honest with you.

I think today is the beginning of taking courage to step into this new chapter and do things that you might never of done before - I can feel the change in me - can you with you?

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks