Monday 13 January 2014

A Simple way to Promote Happiness

Ask a Little Witch

A Simple Way to Promote Happiness

Hi everyone!! So people always ask ‘’when will I finally be happy’’, ‘’how can I be happy, when and what do I have to do - to be happy’’.

Well let me tell you something, it may shock you but happiness is a choice, 100% it’s your own choice to feel a certain way. Yes certain things, situations, and even people can come into our lives and knock us sideways. But there is always a choice!

Happiness is a state of being and it is not a destination. We can choose, who, how, where, why and when can makes us happy. We can make a choice to surround ourselves with positive people, and eliminate the negative ones from our life. We can choose how we see a situation… 
for example, you’re working in a cafĂ© and you get a really difficult and rude customer, this guy might of woke up late, missed his bus, late for work, it started raining and his umbrella broke….

Yes there is no reason for a customer to 

talk to you in a rude way, but CHOOSE to see it like this… although ‘’the customer’’ was rude it makes you appreciate all the lovely customers you will serve that day… Choose to reject the negativity. You don’t know what’s caused them to behave a particular way, but you can choose to not let there negativity effect you…Ask them if they are okay, wish them a good day and break the cycle… Kindness can make all the difference to somebodies day!

Do more of the things that spark creativity and passion within you. Spend time walking through the park and appreciating the beauty in the world that we almost always take for granted. And here it is…. The 1 Thing you can do every day, whether it’s when you’re getting ready, making breakfast or heading into work… COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!!

Start from one and work your way to ten, list TEN things your grateful for in life… we all have something to be grateful for… like our home, water, heating, clothes, soap, shampoo, food, our health, transportation, money (wage), it’s all something to be thankful for and guaranteed you will feel great about the day ahead you’re going to have knowing how lucky you are.

Have fun with it, because what we think we create!! Give it a whirl… what have you got to loose

Love your Little Witch
X x X