Friday 6 June 2014

What will bring me more happiness

The Card that was Selected. ''what will bring me more happiness''

I want to say i was surprised when i selected this card, but it's more obvious than it appears to be. So many people live in a constant fear of lack, we as a society are living in a state of survival (root chakra things), we are thinking about money, and obtaining enough that we can live. This is a common miss conception because money is not something to obtain (hang in there i'm not crazy- i have a point), money is a tool that we use, that the government and world leaders created way back when, as another way to control the masses and suppress us. There is enough wealth for all of us. We can draw in more money and positive experiences when we become a match (vibrationally) to it. When we do things we love, things that bring us genuine joy we attract more of it.

However what we are focused upon is what we attract. So the majority of us are focused upon all that we do not have, instead of what we do, we are focused upon money, having material things, the lack of what we have - so we attract more of it.
We fear of not having enough so it really doesn't matter if your thinking negatively or not its our thoughts ad focus that have created the reality of what we are experiencing. It has been scientifically proven that our brains cannot tell between whats real and whats a thought, so we can be constantly thinking about something/ worrying about something and we manifest it into our reality.

We need to change our focus, do not indulge in negative thoughts, constantly playing over and over something in your mind that's upset you, i know from personal experience this only manifests more and more negativity into your life. Instead change focus.

Stop doing the things that you despise and do the things you do. Step away from fearing your success, life purpose and happiness and move towards it. when we do the things we love, we vibrate on a much higher level and attract more positive experiences.   

So why the protection card... Well if we all knew we was protected from negativity wouldn't more of us pursue our dreams, live a more happier life. We are here to have an experience, to grow and to create... So lets create a better you, me, us and live in a state of protection.

I'm not sayings quit your jobs, i'm simply saying dedicate time to doing more things that make you happy, focus your thoughts on the happy things and ask your self empowering questions to help you get over those negative feelings.
