Tuesday 3 March 2015

My Next Series - The Elements


Tuesday's Horoscope 03 March 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 03 March 2015 * * * *

Moon still in Leo so ensure your following your heart in these times but not allowing your emotions to rule you at the very same time.

Today Might be a little trying because of the fact there are messages and things finding there way to you and reminders of the past. These reminders are to just help you heal, move past and let go of these old ways so you can make room for the new ones.

I want to ask you to pay attention to your dreams (the ones you have when you sleep) and the information being fed to you, the truth is being uncovered & it will come in unusual and unexpected ways - I know mine always do!

We have a full Moon in a couple of days now so things will really start to pick up, emotions could be a little up and down and there is a need to know and see past any illusion or old ways of thinkingAre you thinking long term or are you thinking just for now. Just for now is good but the universe is highlighting that your not thinking big enough, get out of your own way and think outside the box.

We have a great deal of many things being exposed… I think we have transformational energy when it comes to relationships and the uncovering of some truths… This Truth will not come by any usual means being as the Sun is in Pisces and still combining the energy with Neptune, signifying spirituality, guidance and dreams, to top it off we also have an emphasis on old/the past things coming up so we can heal them and i think that is highlighted this week a lot - The Karmic ties with relationships ending and New ones will start as soon as we get over the 17th and the Eclipse on the 20th.

Today not necessary the best time to act what with emotions trying to force things along but it is a time to be real with yourself and what you want out of life and if your current situation is aligning with giving you that in the long run.

Know that whatever is resurfacing for you over these past few weeks is important for you, they are lessons & not to cause arguments but to look at the root of the issue, the old habit and outdated ways of thinking… This can heal, help, transform us in many ways this year will be a great year just clear out the old and make way for the new

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks