Saturday 11 April 2015

Weekend Horoscope April 11+12 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 11+12th April 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Capricorn over the course of the weekend and will conjunct Pluto. What this means is there is some insight into how we have been feeling, a breakthrough of sorts and a need to let go - As Capricorn can see things from a higher perspective everything looks different now.

It’s one of those days where we all need to speak up how we feel and get it out there. It point’s to impulsive action when it comes to putting words to your feelings as they are no longer able to be suppressed.

More so i think this is to do with relationships because Venus has moved into Gemini, the sign of communication and fast thinking you will see that things here speed up, the down side to this weekend is that it is opposing Saturn the Planet of restriction and karmic lessons. Which pretty much means that you want to go enjoy do everything “YOU” want to do, but then comes the harsh responsibility of a relationship… I see this as a buzz kill!

Now do not do anything rash always think long term before you act but also ensure that this relationship, business or romantic is 100% what you want and makes you happy because this is happening for an important reason. I think Saturn just wants to teach you to think of your partner more as opposed to everyone else. Gemini is an Air sign so it could be all in your mind, the great thing about Gemini and i would know having 3 Major planets in this sign… Is they don’t stay in one thing for too long they get bored - so same again does your partner stimulate you enough on multiple things Gemini wants a little bit of everything.

I think this weekend will stress the fact you need to be clear about what you say yes to, what you commit to and to make the right actions.


With all this fire and Earth in the chart it’s hard to tap into our intuitive selves and instead of trusting our gut we tend to jump straight into rationalising things which our intellect, in Aries can make us some what impulsive and jump from one thing to another but going with what feels right in the moment.

The Good news is that the Moon as it starts to leave Capricorn (sunday eve) and head for Aquarius will start to positively aspect matters of the heart. The trick here is to keep things exciting and Aquarius needs to do something for a cause or tends to rebel. Aquarius moon is going to be having some weird feelings but if your keeping busy Sunday it should all be fun and games. Aquarius hates Emotions so can even simply mean your detachment from emotions on Sunday.

Now mentioning that you could be detached in relationships i think Sunday will still be tricky because we are perhaps being disillusioned in them. Whether it’s all of a sudden your partner wants to change something up, matters of the heart will confuse you on Sunday. I mean Aquarius is up for something new and so is Gemini but you add pisces in and the reality of this is just confusing as it doesn’t makes sense my advice is to make sure your not being too idealistic when it comes to the heart and to ensure your being clear and not just getting swept up in the moment.

Again i don’t say any of this to dishearten anyone but to make you aware. Enjoy this weekend just keep your wits about you, relationships are about to get social so it’s going to be a busy weekend i’d imagine full of talking, meeting new people, interesting people… But they are pointing to emotions surfacing and a need for a breakthrough moment & ensuring your stepping through the right doors.

UPDATE: YOUTUBE - I have been working on My compatibility videos the past few weeks hence the delays… But i will Next week be posting up my first out of 77 Videos talking Signs through Signs both Men/Women in relationships trying to incorporate same sex relationships as well as friendships, work partnerships so it’s going to be a pretty in depth series of which i hope you will find interesting and insightful.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks