Monday, 2 October 2017


Hey, guys, so these are the general predictions for the Month of October 2017. If you like these styled reading you can get a more personal insight into your future for just £11/$14.

Aries, Sun, Moon & rising signs, October 2017, looks to be a Month that you are all action no feeling or thinking. I get this feeling of being so fixated on getting something, doing something that you could be blind to how your actions could affect those around you. As we move into new territory there will be a revisiting of something from the past, now this could be that Jupiter is about to enter Scorpio, or will in fact on October 10th, so it will ignite the energies of 2012 - 2014.

So October looks like a Month that you could truly grow, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. It’s time to come clean about something that happened in the past, revealing something or finding something out that cumulates at the end of the month can actually prove lucky for you. So not a time to act defensively, or to act on impulse, it’s a time to think and feel and really consider your actions this Month as there is an opening to free yourself from something that has held you back. So get out of your own way.

8th House: When Jupiter transits here it can really bring you to a new awareness in your life, it can bring about a spiritual awakening, you may uncover something from the past alongside it will bring healing. It is a time where sudden and unexpected things happen, and it can feel like things happen quickly during this transit and that can feel chaotic but is a good thing, Jupiter brings good things so it will be a catalyst for you. Like a divorce, losing a job but it is all aligning you with something more, something better for you. It is a time where you could increase your income through other people or a time where you get supported or your partner earns more. It’s a time of truths coming up to the surface, people who are trying to hide things from you cannot, you find them out. It is a time of changes.

Aries ASC - Jupiter rules your 9th and 12th houses, this really can bring you to new spiritual knowledge, awareness, and awakenings. You may decide to move, travel abroad or study something, or go through a long learning curve in your life. It is a time where you receive enlightenment and a release of the past anything that has been blocking you.

TAURUS Taurus, Sun, Moon and Rising signs, October 2017, looks to be a Month that brings with it a lot of movement and potential change. Now this change is all centered around your happiness and making choices that align with that, some might be easy changes while others present themselves as challenges, but it all is the grand scheme of your own happiness this Month. This may be the month you finally move, it’s the Month that you discover something unexpected. It looks to be a month where there is a change of direction, perhaps something that you thought was bringing you joy and happiness are no longer doing so, and as such, you are starting to move in a new direction. I get the impression of something being a kind of revelation for you this Month and others will follow suit - you could truly inspiring this Month. 7th house: When Jupiter transits your 7th house, this is a time where any serious commitments, relationships or business partnerships will move to the next level, so marriage can be seen with this or if you're in one that is not going anywhere, no growth, not expansion and not very happy then it will be dissolved in an easy way. It’s a great time to gain a beneficial investor, business partner or serious relationship during this time, so collaborations can actually bring or be a source of luck for you. Taurus ASC - Jupiter rules your 8th house and 11th houses, so it can be a time where you can gain through partnering up, through marriage as 8th house is other people's resources and the 11th house is the house of gains, hopes, and wishes, so perhaps attaining a goal. Becoming apart of a community. There can also be transformational healing when it comes to your personal relationships, partnerships, and friendships and friendship circles during this transit. Gemini GEMINI, SUN, MOONS AND RISINGS SIGNS!! October 2017, looks to be a Month that brings some pretty big ideas, many of you will be embarking on something new, be it a journey, adventure, new lease of life, new passion project, job or career and there is a lot of energy circulating this. I feel like the Month of October is all about networking in some way, in fact I bet that there is a social event, an event where you could make some sort of important connections or this could be a “work” related party that opens the doors for you earning a little extra cash or a bonus - perhaps winning/gaining something. Aside from that, I feel like an old connection could make an appearance or you hear news of them and maybe even someone coming to stay with you for a while. Slow and steady improvements this Month with an added bonus. 6th House: When Jupiter transits here this means that this is the year you get healthy, you will be looking at how you can live a better lifestyle, looking into your diet and exercise regime. If you have been ill this is the time that you get the right information as to heal yourself, through diet, exercise, and lifestyle. It’s also the time to find co-workers that will really help you too. Your working environment is going to improve, there could be new employees, your duties and responsibilities or workload, in general, can increase, you could gain a promotion - this always happens to me, you gain more opportunities in your working life. It's also a year that you could end up getting a new pet. It would be a beneficial time to find investors also. It’s a year where Jupiter will help you pay your debts off too, and to gain more money or borrow more. So when I say Jupiter is going to help you pay off that debt I mean Jupiter is going to present you with the opportunities to pay that debt off. Gemini ASC - Jupiter rules your 7th house and 10th house, so this is a time where you will be committing to something, signing a contract, your being recognized out in the world and in your career or working environment. You could gain a business partner during the time, or collaborate or find an investor. This is a time where you can heal your reputation or old business contacts as well. CANCER HEY CANCERS, SUN’S, MOON’S & RISING SIGNS! October 2017, looks to be a Month that there is a lot of talk about the past, this can be people bringing stuff back up because of something they hear or this can be you churning over the old details. I do feel like there is something pretty big about whatever this is and I do get the sense of foreign connection or someone being away now coming back. I mean perhaps there is talk over an event that is going to happen and as to why something has not yet started - something is being put on hold or you're having to wait for something/someone else before this can really start. Whatever this is you seem to be the topic of discussion this month. Something important is happening or to happen it might even feel a lot like destiny - I mean we do have Jupiter moving into Scorpio on the 10th of October, the first major planet since Saturn in 2012 throughout 2014. Something I will just add is that you have overcome something in relation to whatever or however this all relates to you, so don’t lose sight of that, and know that you're not there yet but you have overcome and come this far so don’t back down now. The 5th house: When Jupiter transits here it can expand your romantic life and the need or desire for more fun and play. So here Jupiter can take your romantic life to the next phase or stage. Here as well we can date someone new, we can get pregnant, you will have more attention, Jupiter is also healing so we can heal the 5th house things like childhood, creative blockages, it’s a time where we can heal old romantic issues in the form of something new. Business owners can expand their business, you could find or discover a new creative hobby. You could get engaged. Cancer ASC - Jupiter rules your 9th and 6th houses so here it really can expand your business, it can turn a hobby or passion into a form of work. You could learn something new in regards to a passion of yours, you could discover a new hobby fall in love with it and master it, you can fall in love with a foreigner, or you find a new passion or love in a foreign place, You can perfect a hobby into a business, you can discover a new hobby that helps you with your fitness and health. You're discovering something fun. Jupiter in Scorpio you can heal the past pains and hurts from your past, something is revealed and helps you to move on. LEO Hey Leo’s, Sun’s, Moon’s & Risings signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month of Solutions. If any of you have been worrying about a friend or a pet this month I feel you will finally illuminate to that. But I am still getting money stuff coming through for you guys too. So the Solution to that lies in something you have not tried before, doing something outside of the box - or that you concerns over money are to do with Children, or the starting of something, Children are like a creation that comes from oneself, as such you can relate the term “children” to whatever it is that you want to start but are finding blockages because of resources and funds. I feel like a Friendship could be costing you something this month and that the same friend may have the answers that you're seeking. I feel like something could be stolen, or small amounts of money are being expended or eaten away. There could be small changes happening in the workplace or perhaps a friend or a work college makes you a proposition this month. Bottom line is that if you are being offered a promotion this month weigh out what you will be getting as a result of taking on more work and ask yourself whether it will be worth it - success can come with more labor this month. 4th house: When Jupiter transits here it can increase the activity at home, it expands the family, so this could be a new addition to the family, this could be relatives coming round a lot more, connecting with lost family members - this happened with me my grandpa passed away in November/December of 2016 and ever since it brought the family closer together as it was his last dying wish. It can make you move home, change home in some way, make it homier, I moved my home around, I was thinking a lot about moving, but instead, I ended up shifting everything around feng shui style and adding some new things to the house. It can also make home life more fun, you don’t want to go out as much. It can bring success at buying/selling properties. Leo ASC - Jupiter rules your 5th and 8th houses, so this can increase the chances of getting pregnant, unexpectedly, most likely as the 8th house is a house that is unplanned or unpredictable, there could be that unexpected things happen within your 5th/8th houses and it can cause a change within the home, so you could redecorate, you could renovate because of something that happens unpredictably. Let’s say you are hanging a painting (5th house) and you don’t realize that behind the wall there is some wires or pipes and then it bursts, it might happen unexpectedly, causing you to either change the house, move or renovate something. Or it can cause a deep healing in regards to your childhood, family or with a child. 4th house is childhood, home and family, 8th house is about transformations, things coming to the surface and healings and the 5th house also relates to childhood, children and a sense of fun - so finding something that brings back old memories. VIRGO Hey Virgo Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs, October 2017, looks to be a Month where the pressure is on for you. I feel like things are changing in a big way and it all feels like it’s taken too long that your kind of left feeling like what was eve the point of it all. This is going to sound a little odd, but, they keep saying “an official argument”, this could have something to do with an establishment that you are apart of it could be something to do with legal proceedings, court cases, or home, or anything contractual. I just feel like this Month similar to Cancer I think it was, that people are talking about you. Something could be coming up soon and everyone is talking about it. Now it is not all doom and gloom as I feel like you will be heard and get some form of results, but it might just take its sweet time. So don’t let your troubles weigh you down this month and make the most out of this tedious waiting period - there will be a relief. So I guess the message of October is about moving on if you have exhausted everything you can that there is nothing more than you can do it’s time to let go and start moving forward. 3rd House: When Jupiter transits here it really does make you busy, You could end up studying something, learning some important skill, like driving, for me I took various Astro courses. It also expands your social media, my followings increased, it can increase your contacts lists, You gain more skills, and clients if you're in business during this time. You can end up traveling more. It helps you to heal old pains/wounds associated with the 3rd house, like your intelligence what you can do, what you know, your experiences, It makes you more heard and it improves your relationships with the people your around regularly, be this, teammates, workmates, siblings, neighbors or friends. Virgo ASC - Jupiter rules your 7th/4th house, so this can defo increase your business contacts and relationships with it influencing the 7th house of others, it can bring more people to you, it can also have you making more commitments and taking your 3rd house things more seriously. You might not want to necessarily be more social by doing a little more behind the scenes types of things, even though your social life 3rd house is expanding. LIBRA Hey libra’s, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs, October 2017, looks to be a Month that involves contracts, promises, and commitments. Like another sign, I don’t recall which one, I feel like you’re buzzing with energy this month, grand ideas, and new movements being implemented… I do feel that there is a yearly something that happens with you or something that you do each year, and as we are in Libra Season it could be that they are referring to either your birthday, or some sort of tradition that you have, I mean I love Halloween, and that is something I celebrate each and every year religiously. But anyway I feel that there is an ongoing correspondence that you may have had that links to your past in some way, something or someone you have been speaking with for a long time… Now I feel like there is an opportunity or a deepening of your roots going on this Month an invitation you cannot refuse… But may have you breaking a promise or a contract. This is the Month you will be cutting ties and making big changes, ones that have been a long time coming this Month. When I tune into you I get this feeling of Deja vu this Month. 2nd house: This will increase our resources in some way, we can make investments into something that after the next 12 years will bring rewards and returns our way as a result for what we invested in. It can increase our bank account as well as increase our expenditure. Our storage expands, we purchase something more. Libra ASC - Jupiter rules Pisces/Sagittarius which are your 3rd/6th houses, so as a result of your skills, talents, and abilities you can increase your wealth, you could learn more about health, nutrition and make a new healthy lifestyle change, you could gain through social media, writing, communication as well. Through implementing new skills into your everyday routine, work life you can attain something for your 2nd house of Wealth. Through collaboration, you can gain more as well as by learning more. SCORPIO Hey, Scorpio, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month that has people recognizing you, saying good things about you, in fact, I feel October will be a very good Month for you guys. I do get the sense of important news coming your way, letters that should be opened and not avoided. Perhaps some information about home, family or even your health. But something that you hoped for should very well happen soon. It does still require a constant effort though, but it is slowly starting to manifest, I would say if you are facing obstacles they won’t just go away you will have to face those but it all looks to be pointing you in the right direction. Perhaps this is the Month where instead of settling for the unpredictability of chaos you can create some sort of balance and harmony this month. 1st house: Transforms your image, You can put on weight, you're more seen, gain more attention. But most importantly this is the start of the next 12 years of your life. Jupiter governs over or goals and aspirations in life so here we start something that within the next 12 years will bring many rewards, happiness, and joy our way. NEW CYCLE! Scorpio ASC - Jupiter rules your 2nd/5th houses, So this is going to expand your entire life, it could change your life, this is everything spoken about above, but this could be a new creative outlet, a new business, children, project that will affect your wealth house but will bring returns later on. Pregnancy. Your image transforms. Many endings during this time because you're starting something new. A new source of income. SAGITTARIUS Hey, Sagittarius, sun’s moons, and rising signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month that can bring a lot of healthy growth your way. I feel like if you have had an argument with someone that this could be a month that you set things aside and clear the air - after all whatever this is it really is bigger than you or them. I also get the sense that your financial situation should also be improving as well - perhaps even you keeping something a little quiet, doing a little work on the side or trying to get out of doing something. I do feel like there could be some legal things to tie up, and without getting all morbid or anything, perhaps even talks about wills and inheritances, family money with a contract involved? So let me ask you, if there is something you want answers from this month the chances are they're staring you I the face, and you could have been asking all the wrong questions. 12th House: When Jupiter transits here it can bring opportunities to travel to foreign countries, to unlock or tap into spiritual talents, its time of spiritual awakenings. It can bring an end to any fears or worries as you close off an old cycle making way for the next cycle the following year. It can bring a deeper understanding of spiritual and otherworldly things. It is a time where you can clear old past karma and gain new enlightenment and understanding of such things. It opens you up to relax, chill, get away for a while and come back to yourself. Sagittarius ASC: For you, Jupiter rules over your 1st house and your 4th house so whatever happens up in your 12th house it will also affect your home, property, family and your roots as well as you in general as a whole… With this transit, it is paving the way for a new you, and potentially a new location, a big shift and move coming your way. CAPRICORN Hey Capricorn’s, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month that this month could bring up a little self-doubt in you. Either you're worried about something or overthinking it. I feel many of you guys might be worrying a little too much about what others think of you or concerned over a potential meetup that you have scheduled this month that you’re looking at it all wrong. Is your work life taking away from your social life? Or is your Social Life getting in the way of your career ambitions? It’s time you make time for things this month. I feel like you could meet with someone this month it could open up a window of opportunity for that dream job, client, opportunity. So going somewhere can actually help you out this month. Mixing a little pleasure with business. This is not the month for self-doubt it is the month for taking action. 11th House: When Jupiter transits here it can increase your gains, you can gain an award or reward for something. You can heal or grow your friendships and networking circle. You can gain a new social circle, like-minded friendships, you can gain a new lifelong friend. You can gain through your network. You can meet benefactors that help you with your goals. You are very future-minded during this time. Your social life, friendships, network circles should all expand during this time. Capricorn ASC - For you, Jupiter rules over your 12th house and 3rd house so here it should help you to plan for the future, to clear out the past and make way for the new. It could involve meeting new people who can help you to learn new things that can help with a goal or aspiration you have. This could be a time where you will be dealing with old friendships, clearing out the old, healing or purging ones that are no longer aligning with you. Or perhaps your friendships can help you with travel and foreign dealings and things. AQUARIUS Hey, Aquarius, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month that involves some traveling back. I see a ship and it is moving backward, so I can only assume this means a journey in reflection to the past, or a returning to someplace this month, be it a physical place, a mental or emotional place. Some of you this month might be contemplating a move, a house move, a complete uprooting of your life. This I feel involves a man. So perhaps let’s say some of you are dating someone from another country who is here just passing through you might be tempted to go with this month… Or some of you who have been traveling might actually decide on immigration but first, you have to return home. The reason behind this coming back feeling might not be such a reason as you want to come back but you feel like you must. 10th House: When Jupiter transits here it can bring about promotions in your field. It makes you popular, people love and appreciate you more and so you're recognized in your field. I remember working in a place, not wanting to progress and an area manager coming in and he always used to talk fondly of me, in fact, my manager always had me working when he was going to pop by as to get good feedback results. You gain career opportunities, your status expands and grows alongside it. You can start a new business or job when this happens or your current one grows or expands in some way. Perhaps the way you are seen changes, your social status changes, you get married, have a baby, gain some other label, become a partner in your career field etc. Aquarius ASC- For you, Jupiter rules your 11th house and 2nd house, so this is a time of financial rewards and gains, attaining more resources, pay raises, promotions because of a friend, social group or community that you are involved with. You could attain some goal or aspiration. PISCES Hey, Pisces, Sun’s, Moon’s and Rising signs… October 2017, looks to be a Month that will bring the start of something into your life. I feel for many of you this Month is about new growth, but something that will be with you for a long time, it’s not something flippant, but something that will grow with time. You might have envisioned something a long time ago, and it always seemed a little out of reach, that “someday I will…” feeling, but it looks like October will start to manifest just that… Again it is a slow growth, but the things that take its time are things that withstand the tests of time, they are the strongest of all - they say a house's foundation is the most important part of construction, in fact, it takes 3x longer for the foundation to be set than it does the building of the house itself. - So whatever is starting this month will prove to be long-lasting. Some of you might be setting out to move while others of you establish a deeper connection to your family roots. I am picking up on a little uncertainty around this something new. I guess you’re worried about the future. Now if anyone is coming to stay with you in the Month of October, please note that they most likely have an ulterior motive - be careful with who you trust… Especially if there is history there. Aside from that I actually feel you will discovering something amazing this Month especially if there is a short Visit involved. This Month I feel if you are open, kind and accepting - not hiding, or being reserved this Month you can really inspire others to be the same and you could make a true connection this month. 9th House: When Jupiter transits here it can bring a big expansion in your life. Opportunities can come from Foreign countries, people or places through travel or through higher education. It can be a time where an important person enters your life like a teacher or a guru of some kind. Perfect time to travel and study and to explore new horizons. If you move to foreign countries this can be you becoming official there. Spiritually speaking you can discover a new found faith or belief in something or at least have an interest in expanding your mind. You will be able to tap into and become more aware of spiritual concepts. Pisces ASC - For you Jupiter rules your 1st house and 10th houses so this really is all about expanding your horizons, So whatever happens in the 9th house is going to expand your entire life, and affect the way you are seen in the world, it can make you more popular and it can help you to thrive you career/10th house.