Thursday 11 December 2014

Astrology for December 11 2014 *** A Gift from the universe today***

Astrology December 11 2014

Today in astrology there is a lot of fire, meaning there is a lot of action, the wanting to push forward, could come into some internal struggles but nevertheless a time where there is a lot of passion and creativity around.

Be prepared for illumination when it comes to emotions… IT becomes very clear very quickly how people feel about you and how you feel about others today. I think though you're able to look at things from a better perspective in comparison to yesterday.  By 11am today you should feel that inner feeling of being torn in two different directions ease off… I think if you have not acted upon it up until now it’s unlikely that you will even if you should - A time where you should trust your intuition but will you rather chase something new.

There is a change of heart today, something or someone unexpected could turn up or you could receive some news or information about something or someone that may take you by surprise. I feel like you're able to rationalise or logicalise all thats going on within emotionally that you are even able to have those difficult conversations. A Good day for communication. Today is a day where what you want and feel are in harmony…

However later the Moon will Square Saturn and in my opinion i feel we are having to deal with our emotions in a controlled and mature way even if we want nothing more than just let it go… There might be a test for some - are you able to learn your lesson when it comes to your emotions. I’ll refrain from the frozen quotes.

I think a lot of us are reinventing our self or going through a transition or a change - in doing so we are getting used to the idea of doing things differently - But they will bring much luck… I think still being in the lucky sign of Sagittarius we can expect to be learning a lot, taking on more and looking at things in a broader way, seeing things in a new light with fresh eyes and yes if you have a keen eye there are opportunities being shown to you.

In terms of relationships it’s a beautiful day full of luck, knowledge, news and opportunity. Venus in Capricorn can be very business like so these relationships could also be to do with work partnerships too… But a Venus in the Sign of Capricorn is serious and really wants stability, structure and to make plans for the future so perhaps this is how youre looking at matters of the heart, you want something more and if you're open to it and honest with your feelings you can also get an opportunity in this area. The universe is really trying to align you with not only want you want materially but what is best for you in general and spiritually - it wants growth.

Today will certainly highlight communication with a loved one, a love interest, communicating on things you love to do or feel passionate about as there is a lot of excitement involved around matters of the heart, and intellectual stimulation.  Conversations should flow today.

I already talked about the Pluto Uranus Square in the previous month but i feel i should give it another mention - Know that what you are going through is a huge change, everyone is going through a major shift, there is lots of change and this has caused a lot of people to feel off balance. It is supposed to happen, it will make you stronger as you have Saturn's influence, just know that the change is necessary for what's to come - breakdowns but breakthroughs as this week you're reminded of the past 2 years when this transit comes to an end you will hardly recognise and this will be a pivotal moment in your life when it all changed - for the better even if it feels like it is for the worse.

There is still this notion of accepting life for what it is instead of what you want it to be and to stop putting yourself down… You will get what you desire but you need to stop the stressing and worrying over things that you cannot control all you can do is learn from the experiences and they shall not happen again. What will be entering you life will be important and meaningful just get out of your own way and really see things in a new way in a new light with a more positive perspective.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks