Monday 10 November 2014

Astrology for November 10 2014

Astrology for November 10 2014

Today will be incredibly tense for a lot of us today. That being said i’ll start today by talking a little about the Moon now moving into cancer as the day progresses.

To Start with the moon will be in that gemini energy as i explained over the weekend astrology… When it comes into Cancer our emotions are very sensitive, we feel more and have a better understanding or we could become very defensive. It’s interesting because the moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer and we also have Neptune aspecting the moon which is saying we can be away with the fairies as we get into the afternoon. Neptune also helps us connect to spiritual energies, and our imagination could really run wild, deep in thought and then we also have mercury the planet of intellect and communication now direct in Scorpio.

Mercury in scorpio is going to help you see things for what they are, doing deep, then deeper, then dig deeper, always looking into what and why we fear the the things in our relationships and life. It is mixing with the moon and Neptune which means your for sure going to receive some news or be given new information today, your gently being guided so pay attention to your emotions how you feel and now Mercury is in Scorpio i really do not feel you can hide from much today.

Now where it get’s super intense is we have Mars and Pluto conjunct, at the exact degree today meaning you're going to need to find your courage and strength today. They both oppose the Moon you're really going to have to acknowledge all you feel you cannot bury it no longer, even those with the tougher skins will be facing challenges today. It’s almost like you can not hold it in you just have to get it out today whether that is happiness or sadness what ever we have going on internally could really start to surface. Both Mars and Pluto in Capricorn tend to try and rationalise things, as they are focused on their path, career but you can not just erase it your emotions are there to play a very important part and you must deal with them.  

The subconscious is really playing with us today - a time to face our fears i think.

Mars and Pluto also square Uranus meaning that it will cause some stress or tension, you feel torn between something but an important lesson is to be learnt here maybe you need to not be so stubborn and start taking responsibly not everything needs to be a battle. Here especially with the Uranus square Pluto aspect a transformation for all some have gone or are going through a huge shift or life change… It’s a time where you need to be strong but accept and acknowledge your emotions and what your heart is saying instead of being for focused about rush ahead when you have all this stuff/baggage that needs to be dealt with.

We all still have the transformational energy with Saturn, Sun and venus all conjunct/merging in the sign of Scorpio. Here as i have said before highlights our relationships and how they are transforming and the lessons we need to of learnt and will be learning.

With Jupiter Squaring Saturn, Sun and Venus also i feel like everything is expanding we are gaining a deeper understanding and the Square makes all this incredibly tense and stressful because we don’t understand yet we are being made to understand. There could be a lot of Anger revolved around something that had happened in the past or a powerful release of emotions.   

transformation a big life change but we have Jupiter trine Uranus which means in terms of career things could really be opening up for you.

The most transformational week this week and the release of the past i feel.

I hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3