Friday 23 January 2015

Astrology 23 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 23 2015 * * * *

So today we continue much of the theme of yesterday (only less intense) as well still have a Moon in Pisces conjunct Mars along with Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aquarius.

Today i do feel like we are becoming aware of things, and seeing things from another perspective, a view we have not been able to see up until now. It’s interesting because today there is a lot of contemplating, thinking and really just taking the time to be alone and get things clear in your mind.

What could be clear as well is that you was so set on thinking a certain way that now you see things in another light that you may feel thrown off when it comes to taking action because you never thought of things in such away - perhaps even you might feel a little trapped, but your not trapped at all your free to do as you wish

I think we are all changing and adapting and reinventing our self like i said the other day and it is also seeing about where we are heading and considering who we have around us.

Pay attention to the signs today, what does your mind keep running back to what is it that you need to resolve, or what is it that has got you doubting. Today is another step forwards in the direction of this new chapter of your life, but who is going to be a part of it?

In relationships i urge you to really think about the long term… yes you can be having fun as Aquarius loves to do, they don’t like to be put in a box or be given so little options - but in all seriousness what’s important to you who is important to you long term - 28 years is a long time

This is just the turning point- the point you look back on and say that’s when it all changed

The universe just wants everyone to be clear about where they are heading

Magic could really happen this year and it’s the start! Today is a nice relaxed retrospective day - so enjoy the peace and be sure to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings on certain matters.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks