Friday 19 September 2014

Astrology Friday & the Weekend 19, 20th & 21st

Astrology Friday & the Weekend

A pretty chilled weekend in comparison to what is coming in the next few months -being eclipses! This is about us really getting prepared for some big things, it’s when things really hit the fan, or destiny opens up and changes your life forever always with eclipses. I know it sounds extreme right i guess we can look back at this in a month and see what happens =)

This weekend is a time for us to get ready as the planet Pluto comes direct on Monday 22nd which is huge… it’s about exposing and change. Big changes in our lives, changing the structure of our lives. This weekend there will be a lot of positive energy, good emotions and excitement brewing, This weekend will light a lot of us if not all of us up at some point - lots of opportunities, new things happening, new perceptions taking place, new doors opening and new beliefs we are stepping into.

You will still be made aware of the restrictions to life still, making sure your looking at the decisions you make very carefully, to ensure you do not jump into things without knowing if it is based off of our truth, to make decisions that will advance your life in moving forward correctly.

It is also about finding ways to advance to our highest goals, that we change, adapt or re invent ways of stepping into our destinies that in turn make us or get us on the way to who we really are.

There will be a great healing this weekend also. A lot of great things are coming together this weekend as well, and maybe out of no where - but in a realistic sense that you don’t go overboard, get ahead of your self.

Late saturday into sunday there will be some strange things happening with sun and moon, It’s the universe aligning things very uniquely this weekend to empower your happiness, to find your heart and make any last adjustments because these next couple weeks begin a powerful eclipse season into a powerful october that will change peoples lives.

This month is really about capturing that vision, and there is one for us all - because we need to have this goal/vision with us for what’s to come in the next month or two. Some major tests for us all, we will be learning to be bold, finding balance, which is not easy to be both of these things at the same time. It will be a time of stretching ourselfs, and trying to now get lost along the way…. That’s with Neptune in Pisces which will be teaching us to follow our gut, the need to know what is going to happen before it does.  

This weekend will be lovely - know that these are just the doors opening of what’s coming in the months to come