Saturday 7 March 2015

This Weekends Horoscope - March 07+08 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 07+08 March 2015 * * * *

Okay i’m just going to say it what an intense relationship focused, healing focused weekend. Don’t know about you but i woke up foggy and groggy - hence the delay in the weekends horoscope. Nethertheless the Moon in Libra conjunct the North node is indicating to me this situation we are in is 100% necessary.

What we are going through should be a clearing of the old, what with directly opposite the south node which is trying to clear Karmic debt old relationship issues, looking at our beliefs and how we take action and with Uranus it is certainly shaking things up and it’s all a bit of a change… Be that a physical change or a change coming from within.

The Sun this weekend will be sitting with Chiron, which as you know everything in the universe is symbolic of what’s going on down here - Chiron looks at emotional wounds, hurts from the past ect… This weekend try not to allow old things in relationships to cause you pain or upset. Step back and look at the bigger picture.

To add here Libra which is where our emotional minds will be at, and as such be focusing upon our relationships - look at the parts you hate about who ever is causing an upset. Relationships act as a mirror to ourself, we attract what we need to learn and as such what are you not letting go of. Maybe now is the time to see it, learn from it and release it.

I think people with a lot of planets in their 7th could be experiencing a little more upheaval than most. remember focus on what the people around you are saying and see how this relates to something about you - then create a boundary and separate and let go of people who no longer serve a purpose in your life.

This releasing over the weekend is necessary because what’s coming needs to have a fresh slate and the past needs to be dealt with so we can truly benefit from what’s entering your life.

This weekend is not a time to be delusional, notice and pick up on your faults too, as we all have them in some area of our life. Once we do this we see clearly what is next to do - again rose tinted glasses when it comes to partnerships, ensure your seeing the person for who they actually are as this is being highlighted this weekend. It will also relate to the past.

I think as the weekend gets going a lot of truth will surface depending on you i think this could cause some people to feel defensive just acknowledge and sit with it if you can - a need to take responsibility i think, certainly not a time to hide your real feelings.

Powerful revelations as we get into the late evening on Saturday through to sunday! Maybe things are making more sense and perhaps the universe is aligning you with something exciting.  

Sunday is about the taking action and really having conversations. A time to open up and speak freely and truthfully about something deep. Yet i feel this will be a difficult conversation to be had but it is needed if you want to move forward.

Open up your mind, heart and see things from a higher perspective. Clear the air you will be surprised at how theraputic this can be.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks