Friday, 15 April 2016

The Omens - Ask a Little Witch

The Omen’s
Of late I have been having some pretty amplified strange occurrences take place in My Home in Great Baddow. Most Pisces have Vivid, intense, somewhat crazy and eerily real feel dreams, mine can be somewhat surreal when you wake up with odd marks or strange presence in the room which soon fades when you come through.

But that’s just some of the regular stuff that takes place all the time. A few day’s after my birthday I mysteriously went deaf in my right ear - It’s a mystery because the ear is in healthy condition with nothing blocking the sound I just cannot hear from that Ear… Now what’s interesting is that this is a normal thing for me, spiritually speaking, when I don’t pay attention to something, or i’m not hearing something spirit wants me to… I’ll go deaf for a few days and at worst a week. It’s now almost a month later and I’m still deaf?

A few weeks after that I had noticed a strange cooing sound from outside my far bedroom window, It looks like a couple of Collared Doves have nested - This spiritually speaking is symbolic of the birthing of something new, good luck, perhaps a move, new love or a pregnancy - So all in all that to me is all good.

A few day’s after that My good Friend Ellie Stayed round but in the morning upon leaving there was a dead white mouse with only it’s facial skin removed… Now Ellie was the one who saw the mouse I actually saw a black bird perched over it as it looked up and then hopped away to reveal the poor little mouse. Now this to me was a tricky one to determine what it meant… There was no blood at all and only it’s poor little face skin had been removed.

Symbolism and how I first began to predict things came from this, I happen to really like mice - I think they are super cute! But Symbolically this could represent a thief, someone who is withholding information, someone who appears to a friend but is not, can represent lies, deceit, someone who is kind of sinking to the background and is less obvious. The face could mean that I am yet to discover who this person is… They may appear “White”/”Good” but their intentions may be less than that. Someone sneaky and not to be trusted.

Alas, I only have a few people in my life who I share things with, i’m pretty open but I have always been more of a listener than a sharer unless it gives the person some insight or guidance for their situation. Again Strange! But duly noted to be careful what I say and to whom i say it to.

Now since this I have been approached by many Robins, Now considering they are usually solitary birds until at least it’s time to create baby Robins, I found this particularly odd. I know they say Robins can become “friendly” but I have had a lot (3-4 at the same time, on multiple and various occasions) of Robins come very close up to me and simply watch… It’s unusual the increase of Robins - I just figured it was spirit showing they are around - But they always bring forward a message, at least from a spiritual stand point.

Then came today… Going about doing my work for Youtube so not client related, When a black bird full on flew into my window (closed), afraid that the little fellow was injured I ran down stairs out to my back garden to see if he fell or hurt himself… This was followed by a strange noise coming from what I found out to be a little Robin sitting in the tree above to the left. There was no sign of the Black bird, I ran upstairs to get a better look at the Squealing bird to see what It was - it was a little Robin… As soon as we locked eyes he stopped and watched then flew away at the moment I said to myself “That cannot be a good Omen”.

❝There are superstitions that when a Bird, a black bird more specifically flies into/at your window it is symbolic of a Death within the family or within the household.❞

I don’t often read My cards for Myself anymore - Personal preference & I love getting readings from other spiritual folks… When I read for myself I always find it hard to not read into things, and that can prevent my intuitive nature from flowing through the message. Alas, I shall give it a whirl - Not sure what It all could mean though - I’ll update when all comes to pass

Much Love - Little Witch x x x