Sunday, 17 December 2017



Tuning into this week’s energy I feel like we all can do well if we focus on the
joy aspect, it’s a time to come together not a time to fight and separate. As well
as a time to reflect on the year been we should also look to where we can do
better for the following year. Saturn enters Capricorn this week and you might
see a rise in “traditions”, Saturn is ruled by Capricorn and as such we will embark
on setting new foundations for the next 28-30 years. In other words, slow down &
have patience this week, it’s a time to remember the “why” you do things and not
be such a machine and automatically go through the motions. Saturn returning to
its own sign is basically the beginning of a new era, it’s the foundational stage.  

Okay on with this Week | Please check your Sun, Moon & Rising (ASC) Sign
for more well-rounded reading for the Week.


Overview for all Fire Signs
We all know that the choice we make lead us to where we are today, well this
week I feel like there could be a change of direction for the Fire signs, it’s like
something is unlocking within them and now they need to make better choices
for the future. Be it a change in perspective, belief, health or financial obligations
coming to an end.

ARIES | For you I feel that it’s home, family or security that is under advisement
this week, with a note to what I said in the general. I feel like you really need to
commit to something as opposed to change your plans.

LEO |For you I actually feel like you could find money or something of value in
an unexpected place… This could be a time where you receive more than what
you're owed or you could, in fact, stumble upon a genius idea that could bring
more income in.

SAGITTARIUS| For you I see journeys, looks like Santa Sagittarius is making
his rounds this week, looks like lots of places to be, lots of people to meet and
perhaps even an important journey lies ahead of you this week.


The overall message for the earth Signs
For all you Earth Signs I see you like you finally putting an end to something that
has bugged you or bothered you for sometime this week. This is a week you clear
the page, quite something even if it seems hard you feel more strength in the

TAURUS | I feel like you there could be less of a focus on the expense on more a
focus on the future this week, where you go as opposed to where you have been
and what you have done, its more what's next. Some serious growth happening

VIRGO| I feel like this week it could be about overcoming your financial struggles
or burdens as you discover the key to an opportunity to turn things around… You
might not have the funds for something but there is a way to get there!

CAPRICORN |I see Love this week, perhaps you off to visit someone near and
dear to you or someone coming by to see you, there could be worries or fears or
anxieties over this but honestly, I feel like this is a step in the right direction.

The overall message for all
This is a week where things can get a little deep, I see the love and I see needing
to go visit someone this week, or someone comes knocking at your door. It looks
to be a lucky week for the Air signs and honestly full of realisations and surprise.

GEMINI | I feel like you have waited a long time for this and finally, it's here, its
the kind of journey/event that you don’t return from, it’s time now! This could be
a week where you receive unexpected news or an invite that cannot be refused.
Time & date has been set now RSVP.

LIBRA |This week looks to be a week where there is a lot of news going about,
I say new loosely it could just be old work gossip and it's most likely talk that
nobody has the actual facts about - so find the facts my friends - remember gossip
dims your glow.

AQUARIUS | This week you be making some commitments/promises, but I also
feel like there is something you’re not saying, and you certainly have a way out if
all goes south! Backup plans are what I see this week.

The overall message for all
This week I feel that the water signs are moving, there is a shift so expect to learn
something new this week… You could receive something that you have been
wanting, could be news, a visitor coming, hearing from someone who has been
away for a while. But an offer or renewal is being made just ensure to read the
fine print! #mercuryreto

CANCER |This week there is an emphasis on home, family and security… I
actually feel like something unexpected/surprising could happen that will actually
bring you some happiness. Promises/commitments being made at home.

SCORPIO | You guys have wanted something like this to happen and this week
it does, well in small stages, it looks like something is being set up this week that
may need some extra time and your effort to see through.

PISCES | Something feels like a pretty big deal this week, some big and lucky developments happening in your life this week - but you might need to clear the air, perhaps a friend can help you, perhaps it’s because of a lucky friend that these developments take place. A big deal whatever it is.