Thursday 15 January 2015

Astrology 15 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 15 2015 * * * *

So Today will be the wrapping up of the Scorpio Moon as tomorrow 8am UK time it will move into Sagittarius. Now i think we have had a lot come to the surface, discovered something new that we didn’t know, had an unexpected feeling come about or even just a surprise in general…

Today there could something a little different about us, i think it will be about what we do with what we now know to be true. By that i mean we have been honest with our self yesterday, it was not just a moment that got the best of us, so what will we do about whatever made itself apparent to us yesterday- today.

I think we are looking at the sorts of choices, decisions and changes that we have been making or are thinking of making, how we make them and actually taking action upon them. Now we do have the Sun sextile the Moon which will bring forth an opportunity to really make that choice, change or decision  work in your favour. . .

So i do see it as a semi positive day i just think we are still stuck in some intense situations when it comes to relationships and how we express or go about things and there could be still a little tension here as we need to have a conversation that cannot really be put off.

I think it is also highlighting how you go about things, how you deal with situations and there is also some healing that we need to do as well and this might come about in unique ways. But it is most of all not allowing our ego to take over and always look at things from another perspective - i think we are really lining up for something great as the nodes of the moon get involved.

Now Mars is still Squaring Saturn so i think we are still looking at this big life changes, remember back in December when i told you these decisions will be the ones we look back on in 30 years so make sure your really aligning yourself with what will bring you the most happiness long term not just short term - it may even point to changing your plans to some extent.

I think you need to widen your perspective, look at everything rather being so fixated upon one thing know that there are more options that you previously anticipated…

I think we are really shedding the past, making those changes and transforming in ways we wouldn’t of thought. We are certainly not the same people we were back in the fall/Autumn time - we are growing. Try to look and process everything today… I think there is still something we can learn from what is coming up from within our subconscious and being made conscious of today.

A day where things could really expand in ways we didn't think of. Today again with some positive uranus action hahah we can expect some great things…

So take today, to take action in the right ways and ensuring that the path we are on is one that will bring us the most happiness long term

- I don’t want anyone looking back in 30 years saying - ‘’oh god what if...’’

Make the change now the universe is really aligning us with opportunities to pursue our dreams and aligning us with people and situations that will bring us happiness and more growth.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks