Friday, 9 January 2015

I finally found the words... What is Astrology?

* * * What is Astrology * * *
  • For complete newbies -

Astrology is more than just planets, stars, asteroids and signs chilling out in the cosmos - Its the blueprint to our life.

Astrology is the collective observations from over tens of thousand years, of celestial activity brought together and analysed…It wasn’t until about a decade or so ago that India had kept their knowledge and wisdom of vedic astrology a secret, it is also practiced and known as hindu astrology as they see it as a way of life. The moon cycle and it’s effects has been researched and studied as far back as 25,000 years ago.

So there must be something in it - how accurate it is for you.

Each person, animal, place and business is presented with a map ‘’Birthchart’’ that is unique to you because it’s rare to find someone born on the same day, in the same place at the exact same time (even twins are born hours or minutes apart)- A blueprint.

Now you might be thinking what about free will , this all seems like fate and destiny is it really possible that the cosmos can really influence and affect us in such big ways.

If you think about it, without getting too detailed and getting off topic slightly - Everything is Energy. By Energy i’m talking about that invisible substance/force that you know is there you feel it but you can't see it.

Think of it like spending the day with your best friend in comparison to spending a day with that distant family relation that you have nothing to talk about - they give off a different vibe - hence energy - hence the effect it has over you.

Your personal map of life has many routes and roads for you to go down - you have many options (free will). It’s through experiences that we grow and work out what fits for us. Ultimately life is the pursuit of happiness and life is about learning and growth. Astrology is a map of potentials that highlight and distinguishes your preferences.

Think of it like gardening - You have a packet of seeds (person) the picture on the front is the potential of what they could become - Other factors depend upon the actual outcome of what they grow to be.

Okay so lets briefly find a way to explain what a birth chart is

A birth chart is like the doorway to a house, and when i talk about Ascendant sign or rising sign i’m referring to the 1st house of your birth chart.

The entrance to the house is the doorway to your soul. This is how other people see you on the surface it’s the house of self, image and all doorways are different.

The Ascendant/first house shows how you present yourself in the world, how you want others to see you… Ultimately it is your personality going back to the analogy, some doorways are friendly, while others appear closed off or obstructed, inviting while others appear messy. People do not always show their real self to the outside world and that is why the ascendant sign tends to be more relevant when understanding a person's personality - Again you are not just your Sun Sign.

Now Every birth chart is made up of 12 house.  But think of the 12 houses as rooms each one adding another layer to you or another aspect/area of your life.

You're hungry and in need of food, which room do you go to get food from, you wouldn’t go to the bathroom or the study to make your self something to eat you would make your way to the kitchen. So when looking at your birth chart we can look at the house as ways to identify what area of your life is like and what is going on in it. So you see each house has relevance but the complexity of those ‘’rooms’ depends on other factors such as, what sign is ruling over which ‘’room’’ (house) and what planet (if any although all the planets will be situated somewhere in your chart) is sitting in which ‘’room’’ (house) House with planets in are always ephasised and regarded as importnant to the Astrologer.

All birth charts are different thats because you as a person are unique. That is why i say you are not just your Sun Sign. Even if outward appearances appear to look the same, by that i mean we all have eyes, nose, mouth, ears etc and certain Signs have running themes yet we are more than just that.

We are all Spiritual beings having this human experience and so the ‘’rooms’’ Houses in a birthchart will all symbolise the same things - as above we all have a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room etc but they will not all have the same experience. As humans we all experience emotions, love, pain, work, dreams, school, belief or nonbelief, partnership, children ect but we all will experience these things in different ways. Astrology helps to understand what this means for you.

The First house as we discovered is the representation of you, now in life we usually all have jobs in which classifies as the 6th ‘’room’’ in your house  we would visit the office to do our work. The fourth Room would be the living room the family room, the 5th room would symbolise the place you go to have fun and so on and so forth. So now you understand that the 12 rooms in your house (the 12 houses in your birthchart) relate to different areas of your life.

Now The planets in Astrology symbolizes many things and rule over an area of our life. So to better understand this think of the planets as the hierarchy in a time where there were kings and queens.

So you are the King (queen) of your life and so you represent the Sun and the Planets revolve around you. Venus would be your Queen (lover), Mercury would be the master of coins (intellect, technicalities, making rational decisions), the Moon would be the symbolism of the royal Family and home,  Mars would be the Captain of the knights guard (soldier/War),  Jupiter would be the teacher, Saturn is the representation of the written law (restrictions and lessons), Uranus rules over the kingdoms people, Neptune would be the Priest and Pluto would be the healer/Doctor.

So depending on the time and place of your birth these planets will be in different rooms (houses) of your house (birthchart). Depending upon the Sign that paints each room (influences) will add a little more detail to the personality of the above.

By Sign i am referring to the Signs of the Zodiac, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and pisces. So try to look at these as personality types instead of signs.

I am currently on my Sun Signs/Ascendant (note that your Sun sign and Ascendant are two different things) through the Zodiac Series on my Youtube Channel, after completing this series i will move on to signs in Venus (love), Moon (Emotional Mind), Mars (sex/energy/drive) and then talk about compatibility for each sign before moving on to other planets and aspects.

The Last thing i will add is that wherever the Sun is in your birth chart - Or ‘’wherever you are born in your house’’ (to continue with the analogy) will show you where you shine the brightest in life (the sun illuminates everything) it will also point to your focus in life.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Astrology January 09 2015

* * * * Astrology January 09 2015 * * * *

Moon in Virgo gives us a reality check today, it can also make us feel very analytical of things, get us to organise and take stock of our Emotions.

Today we could come across very direct and honest with whatever takes place today. With a Virgo Moon it can make us have a little freak out if things do not go to plan - Try to release the expectations and accept things for how they are.

Saturn today will cause you to learn to be a little more self sufficient - now this could stress you out some but in all honesty Saturn is trying to make you aware of something inauthentic. Most of all i believe you could be restricted from something you emotionally want today and your focus needs to be else where in an area you can control.

I think most of us will find it hard today to ask for what we need and it’s almost like we have to put others first, we want everyone to be happy yet we want to express what we want but put it on the back burner. At the same time people are wanting to give us what they think we want… But it’s not what we actually want.

Any other thing to remind you of is to notice what is there and not just read between the lines.

I think that today we are able to handle anything that emotional comes up today it’s about looking at things differently and putting a cap on any bad habits - The Virgo Moon should help with this!

Today is about taking control of our lives and making the necessary adjustments in getting there - there will be a slight challenge in terms of allowing yourself to just let go of the past and move forward.

Again there is no need to go overboard in a situation, don’t jump into things so quickly instead the universe wants you to plan and look at things in an analytical way - It’s the put things into perspective reality check.

Today i think we could receive opportunities in unusual, unexpected out of the blue kind of a way today when it comes to relationships and love. I think conversations could be a little surprising and unique also. And i see we are all doing some learning in one or more areas of our lives… It’s all about preparation for this path/new chapter that we have embarked upon.

I think today we really need to establish what our real aims are in life and align yourself with them then take action upon them instead of acting impulsively of in a way that it feels good so i’ll just go along with it. Don’t just do things for the sake of doing them - If you want to be (insert dream job role here) then you need to make relevant steps in making that happen. Today we could get distracted with our goals - stay on track!

Now i know this all seems so heavy - But actually it’s not is a really good day in most respects a lucky day!

Today if you make any positive change in the direction of your dreams or life goals you will see the effects of your actions. Now i know i said don’t impulsively act and i stand by that - but to day make the time to plan for those things and really get excited at the prospects of obtaining it. I also think that today you could perhaps meet someone who can help you - The universe is certainly at play and helping you step towards your dreams.

This evening something really exciting could happen - I think there is a hidden message in something that someone says or something that has been a running theme in your day. Tonight will be about embracing what makes you different and knowing that this could be the key to your success.

Things really align as to make it happen!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Astrology 08 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 08 2015 * * * *

Moon is kind of chilling out today in the Sign of Leo and won’t change signs until 11pm tonight when it moves into Virgo. So try to think of today as the day after that really great day. By that i simply mean that today with the moon wrapping up in leo its kind of about taking stock of things and just having a or wanting a chillaxing day.

Now with this energy it’s clear that we want to take action upon a situation, but you might find it hard in doing so today or at the very least you find it difficult to know where you should take action.  

Moon opposite Mars can really make you feel torn between a connection with someone thats emotionally driven and that ‘’I want it all now’’ attitude and i think it’s really a day of patience and slowly making steps towards what you want instead of acting on impulse and rushing in.

The universe is really trying to get us to sit in our Emotions today and really see where we are at and where we are heading,

I think we may of let our emotions get to the best of us over the past few days… Still we are being made aware of the bigger picture and making preparations and plans for your goals. It’s a great day for planning ahead of time and not the best day for acting upon anything just yet.

Its apparent for how far we have come, how we learn from past experiences and that we are far stronger than 6 months ago… Everything that has been presented to you, Emotional situations that has took us by surprise has helped us upgrade - We are more resilient and we have cultivated a new way to handle our Emotions. - Today could be a test and to see who has learnt their lesson.

I think with Saturn in Sagittarius it is giving us more growth, expansion, lessons and blessings. It highlights this New Chapter and are we aligning it with our dreams and what is authentic to our self. We want to act and react but with Saturn today in general i think it’s actually saying pace yourself and to be aware of the bigger picture.

It’s saying

‘’Sure you have all these fantastic ideas - but what are doing in preparation to get there’’

It doesn’t want you to just think big and today is not about jumping in and acting either - It’s about planning and preparing. We have all this new things we want to do but there is still learning that needs to come with that. As the Moon moves into Virgo there could be a reality check in store.

You have to make time for the things you love and the things you want if you want them to go somewhere great

With the Moon opposing Neptune i think it points out the fact that we can sometimes get carried away with something that feels right in the moment and then carry it on out of convenience or not wanting to hurt the other person. Ultimately in the end i think i shows commitment issues or not wanting to talk about it or make things serious but yet you want commitment you just don’t want it with ‘said person’ or you…. You see the confusion right? This is exactly what is going down today


Are you going overboard, trying to substitute something for someone else, feeling unsatisfied why things can not just feel right already… MAybe you have let your emotions get the better of you as you may of jumped into something thinking it was great at the time - now your not so sure.

I think it also highlights today the fact that you know what you want - yet you distract yourself from it? You have a vision, yet because you don’t see it as attainable you just give up… Being as Saturn is influence here it shows if you want something you're going to need to think before you act, make small steps towards your goal instead of just settling for what’s easy to have or easy to get.

If you want it you can have it you just have to realistic and think of your long term happiness instead of your short term and then you need to move slowly towards it.  

Lastly at around 11pm as the Moon goes into Virgo - expect an unexpected proposition or opportunity to come your way. I think here it could indicate news, information or maybe just a reality check when it comes to love and change.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Astrology 07 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 07 2015 * * * *

Moon in Leo today makes for some very powerful emotions as how we feel is highlighted with the Astro’s today. I also think it is an important time to really take charge of how we feel and to see that things are never as bad as you think they are - A time to Enjoy life.

Remember to do over exaggerate things, make a big deal out of something small but still express your self - You NEED to express yourself just don’t dwell and see the bigger picture at play

A Happy and Optimistic day!!! Get excited about what you do, are going to do, the future and life.

The Moon (Emotions) is still Opposing Venus (Pleasure) which i think is still that indecision over what will make you happy in your heart and what is pleasing you now. By this is mean we feel pulled in two directions, one way we are being vain and chasing after the physical things and in the other we are connecting on a deeper level and the two just are not combined - A Choice that you cannot make!

The universe is really helping us to acknowledge our true feelings, the energy of today is aligning with unique and unexpected memoirs that are surfacing. I feel like a lot of us are standing strong in our own convictions and there could even be a subconscious feeling way back there saying ‘’Am i doing the right thing’’ - Fear creeps in - But know that if your being your truest self and following your heart then don’t allow this nagging feeling to eat at you. That being said we can only know what our heart says when our mind is switched off.

We have to learn to Enjoy the present yet set goals and know where we are heading. I think we are so very used to Saturn in Scorpio that we feel something bad is going to happen.

Now when the Moon and Pluto Aspect in this way, it points to a feeling of loss. We are all stepping into these new and exciting chapters yet we are still mourning the loss of what once was. See the light people embrace this new phase for one always leads to the other. Pluto represents death and rebirth so here i feel it could speak of a space in between maybe we feel incredibly alone.  - Know that destiny has something greater in store for you

“Prepare for things to shake up today and tonight.”

Some truth will be revealed - We have had this aspect for a few days now and i feel we must acknowledge that truth. We are looking deep at the Soul purpose, what we want deep down and seeing if that is aligning with where we are at. It’s a subtle energy so won't be apparent to everyone but if you pay attention you might be able to pick up upon what is being shown to you.

Now once you realise what it is that you want, it’s important to go after these things in a way that is not so aggressive or ballsy… Instead approach the situation/thing/person in an indirect way you will benefit far more from acting in this way. Psychic intuition could come to this spiritual push/pull that you feel.

One last thing to add is that you need to have faith in yourself and what you will accomplish. It really points to a time where anything can happen if your being authentic to yourself. Lessons will be learnt but you will receive blessings too - Saturn is out of Scorpio so no need to fear - Enjoy life embrace it instead of thinking what next can go wrong.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Aries - Signs Through the Zodiac 01

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign  Aries or Aries Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!


To be an Aries you would be born between March 21 - April 19. You are ruled by Planet Mars - Which i'll get into at a later date.

Being an Aries you are the youngest of the Zodiac and Your also ruled by the head. You guys have a tendency to act way before you think, you have an idea and then you make it happen as simple as that. There no such thing as an obstacle with you either, you make things happen, you want something you go out and you get it.

Being Ruled by the head of the body Aries is insanely impulsive and you are also extremely impatient - they want everything Now, Now NOW!! Also they are very fixed about things that once there mind is made up that’s it they are not moving from it - so yes come on admit it - you're STUBBORN haha.

Now you also have the ability to do things the fastest out of the all the Signs, that’s because there is not much of a thought process, your charge at the thing you want to have or create and everything kind of runs seamlessly.

Being an Aries makes you very GOAL orientated. Being Ruled by Mars also makes you passionate, fiery, feisty and competitive. You fight and stand up for what you believe in and you can be very protective of the people you love but more so your self.

If you had a choice to save you or someone else you would pick you every time! Now this can seem selfish and yes you can be… But behind that tough cookie demeanor your sensitive and you have this wall up as to not get hurt… It takes a lot to allow some one in that’s because you get hurt a lot.

But you can also be fearless and put on this front of i’m indestructible. Your very Egotistic too, for you love is physical rather than emotional or anything else. You like to gain the most from your partners, material security is important to you and having and obtaining other material assets.

You can be quite cunning because you want what you want and you will get it - no matter what it costs! this makes you deadly - Nobody likes to mess with a Aries if your cross one you will know about it, you guys cut people off quickly.

Now Aries you can be incredibly demanding in your relationships. Female Aries are almost always tomboys, yet they as have this treat me like a princess too - So lady Aries tends to have more Male friends than female.

Being as you love to be the center of attention this also fits you perfectly having more male friends - as your very active, physically fit usually and take care of your image and how you present your self. This also makes you a master of knowing how to get what you want from those of the opposite sex.

For other women you can come across as a bit in everyone's face whether it’s physically or with your thoughts and opinions you project yourself onto others.

Now Male Aries are very much the same only they are very manly, active, into sports heavily, may even love to fight and argue to show there dominating and authoritative nature. You're drawn to positions of power and authority or positions that you get to train your physical self, fighting, defending roles could also appeal has your hot tempered.

Aries as a whole you seek and aim to lead and take charge - As my niece loves to say ‘’i’m a shepherd not a sheep’’... You love to take the lead in all situations, you have your own ideas and run with them this makes you somewhat of a creator - yet you're not the most creative in the Zodiac you know what needs to be done to be successful.
Your adventurous and courageous and love to explore - but watch out for that temper and don’t let your stubbornness get the best of you. And remember it’s not all about you!

Aries - Signs of the Zodiac Series - 01